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Third person:

Theodore had a hard time right now. All along he was treating Oliver as a love rival. To now know that the love rival is actually his brother-in-law, that too a man his to be wife respected and loved so much, he wanted to slap his face right now.

Why did he have to be a jealous prick and keep on causing problems with his future brother-in-law? Previously, the relation between both men was that of strangers. But ever since he saw his girl getting close to the other man, he had made it a point to always fight head on with him. Any celebration they were together in, he would make sure to brag about his accomplishments in front of Oliver to let him see how much above him he already was.

Unfortunately, Oliver wasn't a weakling as well. If could bear with it he would, if he couldn't he very 'humbly' reminded him how he wasn't a businessman and was best in his field.

He understood that he had thoughly irritated his future brother-in-law. And he'll have a hard time getting along with him in future.

Theo gulped as he saw Anna noticed him and was already making her way over, of course with Oliver in tow.

"Where are looking at so intently?" Oliver asked his sister.

"My boyfriend." Anna replied shocking her family endlessly.

"You have a boyfriend?" Adriana asked.

"I hope it's not like the one your sister has chosen." Samuel said.

"What? No dad. Theo isn't like that. In fact, the stupid man doesn't even know my background clearly." Anna disagreed.

"Theo?" Astrid asked.

"Theodore Maxwell, my boyfriend." Anna answered.

"Theodore Maxwell?" Oliver said with an unreadable expression. "And he doesn't know about your family background."

"Yes." Anna said a bit scared. She knew that look. It was the same look he used before playing a few deadly pranks on the sisters in their childhood. It has traumatised her to this day.

Oliver couldn't hold back his mischievous smirk. He finally understood why that man, who had no beef with him initially started looking for trouble all of a sudden. Since his future brother-in-law already irritated him so much, it was only right for him to play with him a little.

"If you truly are my sister, play along." Oliver said, "Let's go greet your boyfriend."

"Oh hell." Anna cursed looking pitifully at her parents and sister-in-law for help. The former had an amused look on their face, waiting for a good show with not a zlitch bit of intentions of helping while the latter put up a helpless face, not knowing how to intervene between the siblings.

Anna braved her heart and went ahead with the plan. She slowly approached Theo, making eye contact, trying to warn him.

"If you warn him, never call me your brother again." Oliver whispered. Anna resignedly nodded and went ahead with the plan.

"Hi Theo, meet my brother, Oliver Parish. Bro, this is Theodore Maxwell, my boyfriend." Anna introduced.

"Ah! The great Mr Maxwell. It's a pleasure to meet you." Oliver said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"No… Oliver-" Theo started but was cut off instantly.

"Oliver? It's Mr Parish to you." Oliver said arrogantly.

"Mr Parish, that is not… It's all a misunderstanding. You see-"

"Misunderstanding? Where is the misunderstanding pal? Isn't it just because my sister is around that you're being so nice right now?" Oliver scoffed.

"No Oliver. It's not like that-"

"I'm warning you sister. He is not a good man. He is an arrogant asshole who doesn't put anyone in his eyes. All this humility is just a show. After marriage, he will never respect you like a better half." Oliver said, his eyes warning his sister to play along.

Anna cursed her brother's playful character hundred times before playing her part. She looked at Theo with shocked eyes. "Theo, how could you? How could you treat my brother like that? You know how important my family is for me. How could you be like this?"

"No Anna it's not like that. You need to understand-" Looking at the great Theodore Maxwell, the king of business world panicking like a little kid, Oliver couldn't hold it back and ended of having a laugh of his life.

"Shut up moron. You scared him to shits." Anna scolded. "Ignore it all honey. My moronic brother was just pranking you." She coaxed.

"Prank?" Theo asked dumbfounded looking at the person in front of him with incredulous eyes.

Oliver Parish was one of the most renowned attorney in America and was known for his cold face. No matter what the situation, he could thread through it with his signature expressionless, cold face. Connecting such a man to the playful youth in front of him was rather challenging.

"You'll be part of this family. You'll get used to it soon." Adriana said, patting on Theo's shoulders understanding his state of mind properly. The rest of the family were already standing behind him, waiting for the amusement to begin.

They were really amused to see Theo's reaction, to see the straight faced, stern man look like a puppy abandoned by his owner was really refreshing. At the same time it also showed how much the young man cared about their daughter.

Sometimes, people just needed a second to analyse the feeling one have for the other. Then Samuel and Adriana's eyes fell on Aden. They knew that they were just using Angela for her status. But what could they do? Angela had the right to make her own decision. They just hoped she's done with him sooner. They didn't think they will be able to deal with the Collin family for long.

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