Chapter Seventy-One

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Chapter Seventy-One - Twinning


I couldn't dodge fast enough and it cut off a good chunk of my left ear.

"Gosh darn, I was aiming for your neck," I heard Jessica said and raised a hand, "Can you give me a minute? You can take a break too."

She tapped her chin and shrugged, "Fine, just a minute."

"Thanks, Jess."

I cauterized the wound and looked down to see the chunk of ear. I used magic to move it up and chucked it at Jessica. She flinched just as the flesh touched her arm, "The heck, K?!"

I just shrugged and she threw a rock at me. I caught it and threw it back at her. She caught the rock and tossed it back. I smiled at her while chucking the rock back at her, "We used to play catch when we were younger, right?"

The corner of her lips lifted a fraction, "It's...bringing back so many memories." She threw the rock back and I caught it while recalling, "Remember when we broke the neighbor Janice's window on accident and we hid under the bed for the entire afternoon?"

I threw it and she caught, wiping a stray tear as she nodded, "Yeah. We were playful back then."

"How about that time when we begged for your brother to play dolls with us? Do you still remember that?" she asked, throwing the rock. I caught it and smiled at her, a tear leaving my eye, "Yeah, he was so reluctant but gave in anyway."

She caught the rock I tossed at her and looked at it, "I loved your brother like he was my own. I loved you like a sister I never had. I've never felt more alone than the moment you left."

She threw the rock back at me and I caught it. "I missed you, Jess," I said as I tossed it back at her. She caught it and noticed what I engraved on the flat surface of it.

I've never regretted being your best friend.JessK 4 Life

She wiped another tear as she gripped the rock, "I missed you too, K. Can we hug on it?"

I walked to her and we wrapped our arms around each other. When we let go, she held onto my forearms, sniffling a little while chuckling, "Wow, this is the longest one minute ever."

I laughed lightly, "Do we still have to continue? We could just start again and forget that this ever happened. Even if you did cut part of my ear off."

She looked down at the floor and slowly shook her head, "You may be back in my life, but what I want is Connor. You know how stubborn I am."

I sighed before gently pulling my arms away from her hold. I took a few steps back and the purple air emitted from my palms, "Are you sure you're up for it? Your emotions are all over the place."

She nodded and summoned fire on each hand, "Fight to the death or yield, alright K? Winner gets Connor."

"I can't believe we're seriously fighting over a boy, but alright."

I glanced at Connor and saw that he was staring straight at me. His eyes were filled with worry and I smiled reassuringly at him before turning my attention back at Jessica.

She smiled at me, "Just so you know, I'm still 'JessK 4 Life'. So no more backing out, okay? If one of us dies, we're waiting for the other in..." she stopped mid-sentence, thinking if she should say heaven or hell.

I finished for her, "You're still a good-hearted being, Jess. You just took the wrong path. If one of us dies, we're waiting in heaven for the other."

Her smile grew wider as she nodded, "Heaven it is."

She threw balls of fire at me and I blocked it with an energy shield while summoning up a fire blade. I chucked it at her and she dodged, but it sliced her right ear clean off.

She stopped shooting fire and I disabled the energy shield. She cauterized the wound and looked at me, "I'm confused, K. You want us to twin or..."

I shrugged, "I was aiming for your forehead."

She nodded and looked at the cut off flesh, "Mine's worse, it's a whole ear gone."

"We're not comparing right now. Let's compare in heaven."

She looked at me and nodded, "In heaven."

She sent a tsunami my way and I dived in. I jumped out on a water horse and charged towards her. She sucked the life out of the horse and it disappeared into thin air. I landed on my feet and steadied myself.

I summoned fire blades and threw it in her direction at once. She tried to block but one went through her shield and cut out a chunk of her left cheek. I made the blades disappear and covered my mouth.

She held the wound and waved, "I'm fine, don't worry, K."

She used magic to stop the bleeding and took a breather. She gently touched the wound and winced at the pain, "Damn, K, my cheek?"

"Sorry, Jess."

She playfully waved it off, "It's fine. I'll get you back for it."

"Of course you will," I rolled my eyes. She giggled, "I saw that, Manfred."

"Oh, really, Edwards?" I retorted while stifling a chuckle. She laughed while shaking her head, "When we get to heaven, we should hyphenate our name."

I mockingly placed a hand on my heart, "Aw, I didn't know you wanted to marry me." She sent an energy ball at me and I dodged.

"Not like that, you idiot. As best friends. We're so close, we should just basically hyphenate it," she said, standing up straight. I nodded, "We should, huh?"

"This conversation's making it sound like we're mates," she said, laughing. I shook my head and summoned energy on my hands, "Are you ready, Jess?"

She looked at the people surrounding us. Some had left, but most were still watching to see what's going to happen next. She looked at her hands and said, "I'm getting stage fright from everyone staring."

"It's okay. You know magic, just...block them out of your vision," I suggested and she nodded. Chanting before looking at me, "Okay. I'm ready."


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