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Harper got up Monday morning and groaned.

She did not want to return to school.

But then again she did.

She quickly got ready for the day and threw on her purple Breeder's Cup hoodie with her white skinny jeans after a shower, and just threw her hair back into a lower ponytail.

She just did a more natural tone of makeup that morning, then grabbed her backpack and headed downstairs, being greeted by the smell of eggs, sausage, bacon and pancakes.  She sat her backpack down by her seat and then grabbed her plate that her mom had put together for her.

After eating with talk of Dak's Juvenile win, she was headed off to school.  When she got there, she went towards Jasper's car where she met up with him and they sat down to their usual morning routine of smoking a bowl, and Harper's post smoking a bowl routine.  When it was time to go inside to get to class, they split their separate ways and headed to class.


At lunch on her way to meet up with Jasper, she came face to face with someone who she didn't want to.

"I'm here to say sorry," the boys voice said. "Your horse ran really well. I want to make it up to you."

"Why do you want to do that?" Harper asked. "Gunner, you've been nothing but an asshole to me."

"Please?" He asked in a voice with a tone of sorrow. "Meet me at the coffee shop close to your house tonight at six?"

"Fine," she said with a huff and rushed past him to go meet up with Jasper and sneak out to his car.

What was she getting herself into?


"You sure you just want to be dropped off?" Austin asked, pulling up to the coffee shop.

"Yeah," she said. "I'll have a ride home."

"Alright. Have fun sweetie."

And with that, she got out of the car and walked in as her dad drove off.

This was about to get weird.

Gunner and Harper sat down to a coffee, and then they walked two blocks down to Gunner's house.

Nobody else was at home, since his parents were both at work. But he forcefully drug her to his room.

"You really thought I was sorry for what I've done?" He asked with a laugh. "You believe shit way too easily."

"What do you want from me?" She asked.

He looked at her with a smirk, and shoved her down onto his bed and turned to grab duct tape.

"Hey, what are you-" was all she managed to get out before he ripped a piece of duct tape off and put it over her mouth.

"That's to shut you up," he said. He then proceeded to unzip her skinny jeans that she still had on from earlier that day. He pulled them and her underwear off, then grabbed her hoodie and pulled it off and then her purple t-shirt as well, along with her bra.

She was now left with no clothes on, and she was worried. She tried to grab her clothes and get up, but Gunner slammed her down against the bed yet again. He proceeded to remove his jeans, but not his underwear, and he got down onto Harper where she couldn't move her legs and pinned her arms down after penetrating her.

She tried to fight as he raped her, but she couldn't fight him. He was too strong.

With a few more thrusts, he pulled out.

"And let that be a lesson to you," he said, using a rag to finish with. "Get your clothes on and get out of my house. This now begins a literal living hell for you."

He left the room after ripping the duct tape off of her mouth, and she quickly threw her clothes back on. When she left his room, she sulked past him, feeling completely broken inside. She got out of his house and walked back to the coffee shop where she sat down at an outside table.

She didn't want to walk back home now. But she couldn't let her parents see her in a mess of tears like she was now. They'd probably catch on to the bullying that she was trying to keep secret from them.

And so, she called the one person she knew had a car.


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