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Thanksgiving Day finally rolled around, and Harper was now on break from school until the following Monday.  She was glad to have gotten  a few days off from school again.  She didn't have to deal with Gunner or any of the other students who bullied her on a daily basis.

But Monday she would have to deal with it again.

She had still been keeping her and Jasper a secret from her parents.  They didn't know about them dating now, nor did they know about her smoking.  But the smoking was helping her out with everything going on.  It was her escape when something bad had happened.  Jasper kept giving her half of what he bought when he got more, which was a relief to Harper so her parents didn't know.

She got a text from him that morning, telling her he was outside in his car.  She was in the middle of getting ready for the day, so she texted him she's be out in a few minutes, that she was still getting ready for the day.

She had on an orange dress and had her hair half up in a pony tail and half down, with a white ribbon tied around the pony tail.  She did a fall colored makeup that day and then went downstairs and outside to go meet up with Jasper.

"Hey," she said as she gave him a hug.

"Hey," he said.  "You look stunning today."

"Thanks.  My parents and I always wear things like this when Thanksgiving comes around, and also for Christmas."

"They're amazing parents to you," he said and took a short pause.  "Hey, speaking of, I haven't met them yet.  Is it okay if I come inside with you?"

"Sure," she said with a smile.  "They still don't know about us dating, but you can still meet them."

Jasper smiles and they walked inside.  The smell of the turkey cooking was smelt in the whole kitchen and living room area, along with the other smells of Thanksgiving food.

The scentsy in the house could still be smelt as well with its fall scents, but the food aromas definitely diluted it.

She walked into the kitchen, Jasper by her side, to where her parents were.

"Mom, dad," she said.  "I'd like you to meet someone."

They both turned around and seen Jasper.

"This is Jasper," she said.  "My only friend from school."

"Nice to meet you," he said, holding his hand out and shaking both their hands.

"He knows about Minx and all of the other champions we had," Harper said.  "He's pretty up to date with all the racehorses."

"Yeah," he said.  "Harper's been telling me a lot about Dak as well.  I watched him win the Juvenile, and from what he shown in that race, he might could win the Kentucky Derby in May."


Harper and Jasper hung out for a bit in Jasper's car, and they smoked a bowl as well. 

"So," Jasper said.  "How's everything going?  You know, with school and stuff?"

"I keep putting on a fake smile and acting as if everything is okay," Harper said.  "But because of Gunner and the school bullies, it really isn't."

Jasper nodded understandingly.  "Hey, you think your parents would be okay with me joining in on y'all's Thanksgiving?  My parents never cook for it anymore cause they all work.  It's been three years since I've had a real Thanksgiving."

"I'm sure they wouldn't," Harper said.  "Come on, let's go inside."


The four sat down at the table after getting their plates for Thanksgiving.  Each said what they were thankful for as they went around the table.  And still, neither Harper or Jasper broke that they were dating. 

Yes, Jasper was allowed to join in on the Thanksgiving dinner.  Austin and Amber didn't mind.  In fact, they were happy to let their daughters friend join in.

Thanksgiving went by almost too quickly with dinner and desserts, and it was time for Jasper to get home.  He and Harper went back out to his car first.

"I'm thankful that I have you," Harper said as Jasper loaded up another bowl.  "Super thankful.  You came into my life unexpectedly and have turned it around for the most part aside from school.  Thank you."

"I'm thankful for you as well," Jasper said, taking a pause from loading the bowl to lean in towards Harper, and she did as well, and their lips met for a kiss.  They stayed that way for a few minutes before jasper finished loading the bowl.  They smoked it, said their goodbyes, and Harper went inside as Jasper left.

She was very thankful for that day.  And at the end, she got the cutest photo of Dak from earlier that day, in the sand pit at the track.

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