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she was named
ottilia jackson-jones
by her mother

it was a name that she
didn't love nor hate
it just simply didn't fit
her persona

everyone called her tilly
except from you david
you called her teelee

she didn't mind however
your soft gentle accent
was like an everlasting
melody to her ears

she loved it when
you whispered in her ear
sweet spanish words

she couldn't speak spanish
but listening to your voice
made her wish that she could
and one day, she would

you promised you would teach her
you promised a lot of things
but most of them fell through

she didn't mind however
as in her dreams you did
and it was enough for her
that she could dream

and she did
she dreamed of a world
where she was with you

and you made her smile
like she had never smiled before
but maybe she was confusing
the feeling of affection with love

she didn't love you
she couldn't love you
she didn't want to love you

but the harsh reality was
that she was falling hard


authors note

ayee, ottilia is such an old name. it's nice and i like that it can be shortened to tilly but i don't totally feel the name, to be honest.

thank you for reading, remember to leave feedback / vote and have a wonderful day!

- eva xx

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