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three weeks after her wedding night
and your night of passion and pain
she sat on the edge of her bath
gazing down at the little white stick

she reread the instructions once more
if she was expecting two parallel lines
if she wasn't there would only be one

three to five minutes doesn't seem long
but this three to five minutes could break
absolutely everything - herself mostly -
she turned the stick over as the third
tense minute quickly approached

and when she turned the test back over
her worst fears were confirmed
two red lines indicating she was pregnant

she knew in her mind it could only be yours
but you had caused her so much pain
that she thought another little white lie
wouldn't hurt you or jonah

ander always breaks the bad news
but this time it was juan, as ander
was out with his own soulmate

and when juan told you she was expecting
you blurted it out, telling him everything
"i slept with her juan, on the night of her
own damn wedding, i broke my promise"

juan's petite face crumpled in confusion
"you what?! and what promise are you
talking about, how could you have been-"

he was cut off by your loud sobs
thick tears slipping down your face
"let them speak now or forever
hold their peace" you repeated

all juan could do was mutter
spanish profanities under his
breath until ander returned

and when he did, juan told him
absolutely everything and ander
slapped your damp cheek for
messing up her life

over the next nine months
you tried as hard as you could
to get in contact with her

but juan and ander refused
to get anymore involved in
your hell of a love life
for their own safety

jonah thought it was his
and the smile present on his face
when she broke the news
killed her and she hated you
for messing with her feelings
for the very last time

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