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Sage Norcross, daughter of the Only One He Ever Loved, in search of the only one she will ever love. Who knew she would find that love in the shape of a tousled-hair, green-eyed boy? With a lightning scar. And a crazed psychopath trailing behind his every step. Is this really a reasonable decision? 

Sage knew that where the trio went, danger followed. First of all, an 11 year old saving the Philosophers Stone from a stuttering teacher? Who turned out to have Voldemort sticking out of his head? Saving Ginny Weasley from the impossible depths of the Chamber of Secrets? And now having a Muggle-killing murderer on the loose chasing him? Can the poor boy ever catch a break?

Sage is pleasantly surprised when she discovers that despite the boy's shitty living arrangements and an even shittier life, he is beyond everything Sage looks for in a friend. He's there for her, he cares for her, and damn, his hugs are a gift from the sun, moon and the sky combined.

Death had other plans for the raven-haired child. Sage is rocked by a tumultuous hurricane and her body is in a constant whirlwind of never-ending pain. Her heart is shatters in two when words tainted in sorrow pass through her ears. Her eyes fade to a flat grey, the mischief dancing in her pupils aren't seen for a horribly long time. She loses her light, her beauty, her purpose. Harry Potter is left to pick up the pieces.

Harry Potter realizes that he must be there for Sage. The constant pang in her heart cut scars into his very own heart. The tears that stain her freckled cheeks seem to steal the breath away from his chest. Harry would climb the stars and bring her the sun, moon, and the whole damn sky if he could, but he knows it'll never bring back what the girl has lost. Regardless of the storm of war whirling around the boy, the storm that has been whirling around the boy the moment James and Lily Potter went six feet under, he knows that Sage deserves to have the joy glint in her eyes again.

Harry Potter and Sage Norcross. Sage Norcross and Harry Potter. Nothing will tear them apart.  

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