The Begining

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Hello,well. Me as if this is gonna go up somewhere on the Internet. Bwahaha
hello I'm shigaraki, just some crusty 20 year old with light blue scruffy hair, 𝘈𝘯𝘯𝘯𝘥 dirty red eyes. I, have a quirk called disintegration.
Nothing special! people say im a ' crusty, flaky hand ridden man-child'
Eughh just wrighting that makes me wanna disintegrate something..

Im in the LOV (Lueage of villains) an orginasation of villains that want to defeat all might I think.. We have alot of rookies, none of wich I think are good enough, but we do have twice, spinner, magnum, kurogiri and [REDACTED] as our scout for futre 1- A plans. They haven't been found out yet,not even suspected! They are good at what they are doing!
that isn't important.
We are having 2 new recruits coming tomorrow apparently, I bet they are just  some stupid kids who wanna rebel for absolutely 𝘯𝘰 reason.
Eh now what, just by writing this I've disintegrated 2 pencils.

This is a random book I found in an alley that I'm just gonna Wright has my little pony on it, specifically fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and rarity on the front; with rainbow dash, applejack and twilight on the back.
There is  a name written in crayon, I belive there name is 'emanda' or 'eriana' I'm not really sure but I'm just gonna say its 'eri' with some silly doodles.

Mabey, It Isn't That Bad. (shigadabi) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ