Black Candles??

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                   Shigaraki's POV

it's coming up to. My birthday, it's 1 week away, there has been a smell coming from dabi's room, it's not a bad smell, just different, he smells like smoke most of the time, but this smell is fruity? We are all surprised dabi would buy something, we belive its a candle, that smelt like a plum or nectarine. Nobody's actually asked, so today I'm going to ask.
Dabi walks out of his room

"hey, burnt barney"
"What mop-head? "
"what's that smell coming from your room?"
"how about you come check it out"
He give shigaraki a nod
"uhh, sure..."
They slowly turned to dabi's room, dabi arched over shigaraki like a hawk, this although seems intimidating, felt like a shadow of a,.. Hero.

We walk into dabi's room.
There was 2 shelfs one clean and one full off pictures and drawings, sadly he didn't allow me to go over to the desk, I respected that and went on. He had decorated his walls with a splatter of coulours, it was a surprise for somebody as edgy as him, there was a table, with. Black Candles?

" that's what's making the smell, they are blackberry"

As dabi pointed at the still burning candles, it gave the air a sweet scent

" I have more than just them, but I thought they would stand out in my room,"
"they do, in fact they smell nice, where did you get them?"
"my sister got them for my birthday"
"we haven't talked for a while, I also have 2 brothers"
" lucky"

The room went silent.
The silence was broke by me" so, now what? "
" what do you want to tell me? You obviously have something to say, so say it now. "
I stood there like a log, wondering how he knew, but I told him anyways

" I wanted to hang out, but never had the courage to talk to you, so, wanna hang out? "

Dabi leand over staring straight into shigaraki's face, he stood there for a while

" uhhhh.. Your a bit close there"
"sure, we can hangout tomorrow"
The mop-head stood there for. A second trying to figure out that burnt barney said yes.
" okay, thank you" shigaraki slowly turned and walked out of dabi's room in an awkward fashion.


Just a thank you for reading this, it means alot
-maruchi AKA me

Mabey, It Isn't That Bad. (shigadabi) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora