New Recruits

397 9 2

                      1st person

They are here, they aren't children surprisingly! What a relief for a second there i though I'd be dissapointed.
2.figures waltzed over, a girl who had golden wire for hair, wich was put up into 2 messy buns that were falling apart as we spoke.
She was quite small not as lanky and a ball-jointed doll as me but not far off

she had this mischievous smile taking up most of her face, it made her eyes look like she was always squinting, her eyes were like cat eyes,  bright yellow yellowI bet if I shone a blacklight they would glow. She was wearing a tan and navy school uniform.
She said her name was toga, himiko toga in this bubly voice, it was obvious that she wasn't  an adult yet.

Who stood next to her was a completely different level to play
He was tall and box-esk  his hair looked as if it was an explosion.

It covered his  barney coloured ears.

The staples as he called them were Bohemith size, absolutely absurd they shine in the light that reflected from the  alcahol, he looked like one of those patchwork teddy's.
he had three little nose piercings and the same barney skin where the bottom of his eyelids, this jaw and all of his neck was. He said they were burns from his quirk. Ouch.
He wore a tattered jacket wich was burnt at the ends and a  white-ish T-shirt that was beginning to fall off and split in the middle.
His voice was lowish voice wich sounded a little raspy.

He called me a mop-head.
They. Both explained what they're quirks were, togas quirk let's her replicate the exact appearance of another person, if she drinks their blood,  the man has blue flames, he said becuase his mother had an ice quirk he was weak to fire.   they had no past wich eachother.

Toga seemed very enthusiastic but very pushy about joining, wich I didn't like much on the other hand the man possessed stains ideology, but didn't speak much. I dint like either of them. But  kurogiri said they would be good alies, so we let them in.

Mabey, It Isn't That Bad. (shigadabi) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora