ShadowNight and Amethyst

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A dark gray-black BlackWing with razor-sharp dark purple claws, bright green eyes, and a golden necklace with rubies was pacing the Claws Forest. Little did he know, a midnight, dark green-scaled NightWing with bright turquoise eyes was stalking him, holding a dagger in her claw. She accidentally stepped on a twig, and it cracked. He heard her, spinning around when she threw the dagger that was going for his throat. The BlackWing ducked, rolling as he grabbed the dagger before it hit a tree, and whirled it back. She dodged it, throwing another dagger, but he leapt at her, biting her neck, and she clawed at his chest. The BlackWing roared loudly and sank his teeth deeper into her neck. The NightWing pulled out yet another dagger, plunging it into his wing, and he yelled in pain, clawing at her face. She howled, leaping back, and leaving the dagger in his wing.

 She howled, leaping back, and leaving the dagger in his wing

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The BlackWing ripped out the dagger and demanded, "who are you?"

"A NightWing," she stated, quickly running to the nearby river and back to wash her face.

"NAME," the BlackWing snarled deeply.

"Well wouldn't you like to know ... ShadowNight."

"HOW DID YOU KNOW MY NAME?!?!?!" ShadowNight roared, diving at her, aiming to bite her wing and claw the other.

"I always know my targets," the NightWing answered, lifting a dagger to his throat, holding her arm out. This got ShadowNight by surprise, and he backed up, holding his talons in the air.

"Slow DOWN," he snarled and asked, "how am I your target?"

"You just love asking questions, don't you?" the NightWing answered.

"DO NOT," ShadowNight contradicted.

"Suuuuuuuure. And my wings are pink," she sighed, "you're a target, you're a threat. I'm to dispose of you. What more is there to understand?"

"WHY AM I YOUR TARGET," ShadowNight looked at her with pleading eyes.

"You think I know? Funny. Ready to be disposed of?" She replied.

He snarled at her, "just say it already."

"I did," she replied. ShadowNight snarled again, and dove at her, grabbing her dagger and stabbing it in her palm.

"Gah! What IS IT WITH YOU?!?!" She gasped in pain.

"I WAS BORN TO FIGHT!" he wailed and slammed both his talons into her face while they where fists. She flew backwards, her back hitting a tree.

"Ow!" she protested, but ShadowNight had vanished-leaving nothing but air.

"Ow!" she protested, but ShadowNight had vanished-leaving nothing but air

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The NightWing winced at her injured talon as she stepped on it. She was trying to track ShadowNight, but it seemed like he had flown off.


"What?" said a dark voice from the trees, sounding like ShadowNight's.


"Hm. It does not seem like you will have luck doing that," ShadowNight's voice seemed to have gone to another tree, but she could still not see a thing.

"AAAAAAAUUUUGGHHHHH!!!!! WHAT IS IT WITH YOU WHY WON'T YOU JUST — JUST BE FINISHED OFF!!!!!!!" She shouted, hitting the tree she thought he was at with three more daggers, but his voice was at yet another tree.

"Why do you hate me so much? My scales heal in a day or so, thanks to my secret power..." the NightWing stopped. She removed her daggers from the tree, panting heavily. 

*THINK AMETHYST,* she scolded herself, and she shook her head, deciding to ignore him. She walked between two trees.

"You have a ... secret power ... " whispering, she tilted her head, acting curious now.

"Yes." said ShadowNight's voice from a tree that was behind her.

"Intriguing," she said, still walking. She was heading towards the mountain. Suddenly, a huge black shape burst out of a tree with many loud crashing sounds and landed right on top of her, pinning her to the ground.

"UGH! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???" She shouted, squished.

"You want to know something mind-blowing?" he snarled.

"What," Amethyst glared at him, hissing.

"I'm an animus."

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