Old-Old Night Kingdom

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Amethyst reached the eastern beach of the old—old Night Kingdom, and Fossa shivered.

"This place is all dark and creepy and cold," he inhaled dust from the ruins of the ancient Kingdom of Night. It was tall; also, dotted with beautiful statues and pillars.

Amethyst inhaled deeply, "this place smells like home. So, let's go find, find the library."

"Ehm— I didn't grew up living in the OLLLDDD Night Kingdom... soo... that will be hard."

"I didn't grow up here either. So, let's just try. I'll go search the Southwestern part of the kingdom."

"Well, I will search the... Eastern side of the Kingdom."

"Oh yeah, don't let the phantoms catch you if you find the library or school!" Amethyst called, flying away.

Fossa left the beach, and walked into a building. He made his own way, walking down a hallway. He looked around, and saw a room to his right. He entered there, and looked in. This must have been where the food was prepared; but all the food was rotten, and Fossa almost gagged. He decided to move forward in the hallway. Soon, he reached a dead end, but there was a room to his left. He entered it, and it led to many sleeping rooms. This must have been where the dragonets slept. He entered one, and saw an old, shriveled up leaf bed, along with shelves and a table. On the table sat some jewelry. He picked it up; it seemed to be a silver armband studded with rubies. It fit in his arm nicely.

Sun had just recently found out what they were doing, but didn't want to be bothered, so he left a note on the beach instead; 'well, lucky for you I was born here, and I know the library very well. If you need me, come back to the rainforest.'

Amethyst flew to the edge of the peninsula, and stood on the edge of the cliff, "I'm almost done. I need a few more days. I'm going to the Sand Kingdom soon, to get a bonus. Then it'll be done. I promise. I know what happens if I don't. I won't fail. I'm close. Soon, I'll come back, and it'll be finished," Amethyst begged the ocean, a desperately hopeful look on her face. When nothing happened for a few seconds, she nodded, clearing her face of any emotion, and flew back to the beach, waiting for Fossa to come back. Soon enough, Fossa decided that this place wasn't very interesting. In his perspective, it was dark, shadow-y, creepy, and rats could be seen everywhere. He flew out, and spotted Amethyst on the beach, and flew to her.

Amethyst heard him coming, "Fossa! Did you find anything?"

"Look at this, on my arm. Hehe," he spread out his arm, showing off his new silver-ruby wristband.

"Where did you get that," Amethyst asked, tensed.

"I found it in the old—old—old—old Night Kingdom! Yes? Like it?" He pointed to it.

"Old—old Night Kingdom. So you didn't find the library?" Amethyst ignored his question.

"Nooo... "

"That's GREAT. First you tell me that you STEAL from my ANCESTORS and now you're saying that you DIDN'T find what we came for. That's just LOVELY," Amethyst threw sand at the ocean, frustrated and desperate, "why isn't this WORKING?!?!?!?!" She yelled at the ocean.

"Huh?" Fossa looked at it. Seeing it causing trouble for her, he told her, "okay, I can give it to you. It's just a random piece of gems stuck to silver. Not a big deal," he dropped it on the sand.

Amethyst stared at it, her eyes emotionless, "no. It's — whatever. You can keep it. I don't need it. We just need to find the library. That's what's important right now," she sighed.

"Nice," he looked at the armband, as he could see closer, it was carved delicately with dragon carvings; each dragon was one of the seven Pyrrhian dragon tribes, excluding IceWings, "Okay, I guess we'll go... I hate that place, but we gotta," he nodded.

"Yeah. Okay... okay. Let's ... what's this?" Amethyst slowly nodded, but found a note in front of her, half covered in sand. She read it slowly. Then read it again. And again.

"What is it?" Fossa walked up to her, confused, "a note? Why? Must be from some poor dragon who lost their note."

"Nooo ... " Amethyst read it over. And over. Then she handed it to Fossa, before she gave herself the idea to rip it into pieces, crush the pieces in the sand, and burn them, "no. NO. NO. We're NOT."

"Ooh... dear," Fossa read the note.

"No. We were just there. No. Nononono. It was so chaotic. We're going to the Sand Kingdom?" Amethyst met his eyes questioningly.

"Yeah... wait, Scorpion Den, right? Because there are more dragons who know about other tribes in the Scorpion Den," he agreed.

"What should we do?" She asked him. The words sounded foreign to her.

"Well... can we just go to the Scorpion Den?" He asked back.

"OKAY. Okay. You're right. We'll go to the Scorpion Den. After that let's go to the rainforest, if we get time," Amethyst shook herself, "let's fly," she told him. Fossa followed along.

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