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"We may need to go to the Sky Kingdom," Candycane told them. Amethyst rolled her eyes again.

"Fine. We'll go in a day," she decided, but Candycane was already flapping away.

"CANDYCANE GET BACK HERE!!!!" Amethyst shouted, following him, but the SilkWing just soared in the detection of the Sky Palace.

Amethyst followed him, "IF YOU DON'T STOP RIGHT NOW I WILL MAKE YOU!!!!" She shouted over the wind. When he ignored her, she gave up on threats, as she noticed that today wasn't the day to use them. In the end, she found him curled up and snoring behind the door of the Palace.

"What are you DOING?" Amethyst hissed at him, dragging him away from the door. Candycane snorted, and jumped up.

"Why are you here?" Amethyst hissed at him, angered.

"To look for the flamescales or whatever!" Candycane complained, pulling back his tail.

"You are the worst planner EVER. You didn't even make a plan!"

"I don't usually don't have to!" He squawked.

"Well now you do! We're leaving," Amethyst told him, grabbing him.

He clawed at first the stone on the floor then at her, shouting, "NO, YOU WANTED TO FIND A FIRESCALE DIDN'T YOU?!?!"

"Stop that! We're leaving, that's it. We'll find the firescaled dragon LATER." Amethyst said, clawing back at him, but he kicked her face and bolted down the hallway, and Amethyst fell back.

"Candycane! Get back here!" Amethyst yelled, knowing they were going to get caught either way. There was a scream and Candycane ran down the other way, seven big SkyWing guards chasing after him.

"NOW WE'RE LEAVING!" Amethyst shouted to him, flinging daggers at the SkyWings behind Candycane before grabbing him and leaping into the air, glaring at him. Instead, he clawed at her and, with all his might, he threw her into the Skywing guards. A moment later, when the dust settled, he was long gone.

"CANDYCANE, YOU UNTRUSTWORTHY SILKWING GET BACK HERE!!!" Amethyst shouted at him, trying to untangle herself from the SkyWings. One of the guards kicked her out of the door, and she fell off of the cliff. Amethyst tumbled, bruising herself as she rolled down the cliff. She clawed at the ground, trying to find purchase, and barely stopping before the water. The SkyWings had followed her, a deep red one with golden eyes holding a spear in his talons. She dove into the ocean, not bothering to kill them, because the SkyWings weren't worth it to her. They didn't go after her, because SkyWings hated water, instead flying back to the palace, most likely to tell the Queen. Amethyst waited a few minutes, swimming deeper in the water until she found an underwater cave, and swam in. It was wet and damp but at least she could breathe again, and she started plotting revenge against Candycane and ShadowNight. When she swam out hours later, she scowled, seeing the many SkyWings flying above in the sky. The SkyWing Palace was a buzz, no thanks to Candycane, and Amethyst swam around the cliff until she found a beach. When she reached the sand, she found ShadowNight. He was covered with millions of cuts, and he was crying.

"What are YOU doing here?" She snarled at him. He didn't answer or make eye contact, instead kept crying. Amethyst rolled her eyes, deciding to let him be for the moment, because now wasn't the time for revenge. She needed to heal, and she had lots of cuts and bruises — less than ShadowNight's, but still a lot. Previous ones that were healed didn't mean that they didn't still feel sore, either. After a few choked sobs, ShadowNight pointed to a large burn along his side.

"Robin burned me. He got Candycane too," ShadowNight nodded to a limp shape of the orange and white Candycane.

"Seriously? Can't you just use your 'secret power?' And I thought SilkWings were fireproof," Amethyst asked, studying them doubtfully.

"N-no they are not," Candycane squeaked.

"Then — nevermind," Amethyst cut herself off. It wasn't worth it, because they were all hurt, and sitting ducks, "follow me." She told them, stepping into the water. Candycane limped after her and ShadowNight followed. Amethyst dove back into the deeper water, swimming to the cave. When she was inside, and out of the shallows, she looked back to see if they were still behind her. A moment later they came next to her panting a shaking.

"Thanksss to Candycane ssssacrificing me to the SsssskyWingsssss, I found this cave," Amethyst explained to them, glaring.

Sun was out on the hunt with his clones when he noticed a signal from his cave, indicating that someone was looking for him, or at least near/in the cave. He and his clones swam back, and when they swam in, Sun surfaced next to ShadowNight, Candycane, and Amethyst.

 He and his clones swam back, and when they swam in, Sun surfaced next to ShadowNight, Candycane, and Amethyst

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Amethyst noticed the white dragon. He had red claws and spine; there were scars all over his body, and his underscales were shades of gold and black.

"What are y'all doing here???" He asked, and Amethyst glared at him.

"Who are you?" She asked back.

"What are you doing here???" He asked, glaring even more than her. Amethyst rolled her eyes, answering his question first.

"Fleeing from SkyWings because of these two snakes," she tilted her head towards Candycane and ShadowNight.

Sun rolled his eyes back at her, telling his clones to leave them, then turned his attention to the three dragons, and asked to Candycane and ShadowNight, "wait a second, if you're fleeing and don't even know me, why are you here???" He had history with the SkyWings and the SilkWings.

"They're fleeing with me. Unfortunately. Now, who. Are. You," Amethyst explained, gritting her teeth on the last few words.

"I'm Transparent, also known as Sun. I've been hunting, until you monsters showed up. Then I came back."

"We're not monsters! What is it with dragons today! Ugh!" Amethyst flared her wings, annoyed.

"Listen, I'm just going to say I was on the hunt with my clones, found a signal, went home, and found all of you here. Now tell me if you didn't even know me before. What. Are. You. Doing. Here," Sun clutched his teeth at the last few words.

"I TOLD you already! Fleeing from SkyWings! How many times do I have to repeat myself to others today!" Amethyst half shouted.

"Nevermind. I'll just say I'm solo, and I've known SilkWings and SkyWings for a long time... and they've been my enemies since I was a kid... but since you are here, why is SilkWing here?"

"The SilkWing is with ShadowNight, they got me almost captured by SkyWings, and I've been trying to assassinate ShadowNight," Amethyst tried to explain again, "oh, and the SilkWing is also apparently a Flamesilk," she added, mentioning nothing about her, yet giving information about the other two dragons willingly.

"Ooook, but how did you get here?"

"The SilkWing pushed me into SkyWings, the SkyWings pushed me off the cliff, and I dove into the water. Then I saw the cave, and swam in," she told him simply. A large shadow approached them, along with other shadows. The incoming dragons could make up the shape of them; huge wings, long horns. The SkyWings. They all had spears or halberds, and they had come for the intruders.

Clouds of Shadows Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now