Chapter 7

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Austin's POV

I was mad, no that's an understatement. I am completely pissed. Who could possibly hurt this sweet boy? I was seeing nothing but red but when I looked at Alan my expression softened.

"Alan, do you remember anything about this man?" I asked and I saw tears well in his eyes as he shook his head. I quickly write my cell number on a piece of paper before grabbing my keys and pulling my shoes on.

"I'm going for a run, I write down my cell number, call me if you need anything. " I say before running out the door and planning out a route to run , I decide on the route I ran the day I found Alan in the alleyway.

As I run down the streets I keep a lookout for the guy I ran into the other day, he had to be the one who raped Alan. I can't believe that I have only known the small ginger for a few days and I'm already so attached, must be from my friends previously pushing me to find a roommate/ boyfriend. I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't been paying attention and I ended up running into a boy who looked about sixteen.

"Jesus Christ I'm so sorry, I should have been paying more attention." I say while I take in the boy's terrified expression.

"Dude, can you help me? I was on a date with my girlfriend and some guy just grabbed h-her a-and I can't h-help but a-assume the w-worst." He said, tears falling with each word. I nod and begin asking him basic questions; what his girlfriend looks like, name, age, when we hear a high-pitched scream. We run in the direction of the scream and end up in the ally where I found Alan, the same man I was looking for holding a girl to the ground. Without even thinking I lunge at the man and tackle him to the ground.

"What... is... your... fucking... problem...?" I say, punching the man after each word. I hear shouting but I don't react, this man hurt not only Alan but a sixteen year old girl. I felt arms pulling me back before I was pushed against the wall as handcuffs where placed on my wrists.

"Alright you freak, your coming with me"

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