Chapter One: Losers

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JanuaryEmbers added Trashmouth, Wheezy, BirdHoe, and 3 others to the groupchat

JanuaryEmbers: Hey guys! Welcome to the Losers groupchat!

Trashmouth: Sup Hoes!

Wheezy: Richie be nice, ok? Those jokes are dumb anyway.

BirdHoe: First of all, why is my name "BirdHoe" and second of all, why is Richie here? He's an annoying little fuck.

PureBean: Hey everyone!!

StutterBoy: Hey guys!

JanuaryEmbers: Stan to answer your question, 1 because I want too, and 2, because he is also a part of the losers club even if he is annoying.

Trashmouth: Waw, I appreciate the love guys! Really!

MikeTheMom: Why am I the mom of the group?

JanuaryEmbers: because you are the most responsible here

JanuaryEmbers changed their name to RedHead

Stutterboy: Bev! I need to ask you something..privately.

RedHead: umm ok?

Trashmouth: oOoOo did Billy Boy finally work up the courage to ask out Bev????

Stutterboy: nO its about something else..

Trashmouth: sure it is

Hey guys!! So I hope you enjoyed the first chapter(? Part??) of my Losers chatfic

Get ready for some good old Stenbrough!!

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