Chapter 4: Date set up

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BirdHoe: Bill what was that about?

Stutterboy: It was nothing Stan..

BirdHoe: sure it was🙄 anyways, why can't you tell me if it is about me?

Stutterboy: I just.. You know what, I might regret this but screw it!

Stutterboy: Stanley Uris, will you go birdwatching with me?

BirdHoe: Like a date?

Stutterboy: yeah..

BirdHoe: Of Course Bill, when and where?

Stutterboy: so umm i didn't think I would get this far so I'm not sure..

BirdHoe: how about tomorrow? Maybe 4:00 pm at the kissing bridge? Not that we are gonna kiss but just so we can meet up!!

Stutterboy: Sure, I'll see you tomorrow Stan!


So you got some gay enjoy it! we have some immature Bev next chapter so yeah

See you ~Joey

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