Chapter 6: Broken Bill and gazebos

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RedHead: guys I broke Bill

Wheezy: How?

RedHead: umm the thing we talked about

Wheezy: oh ok, im not gonna ask specifically what about it but I'm assuming it went well.

Trashmouth: what the FUCK are you 2 talking about???

RedHead: Nothing dumbass, and Eddie, yeah it did! I'll text you in the other chat later.

Wheezy: ok. I have to go my mom is making me take that useless medication again.

Trashmouth: wait the gazebos😂???

Wheezy: ugh yes now shut up.

BirdHoe: uhh what the fuck are gazebos and why does Eddie hate it when Dumb fuck Richie mentioned it?

Trashmouth: 1. Eddie mispronounced placebos and told his mom
and I quote "They're gazebos! They're bullshit!" So yeah and 2. I'm not a dumb fuck but I just like to mess with Edwardo.

Wheezy: wow new nickname, better add it to the bullshit nickname pile!

Trashmouth: BUT EDDIE SPAGHETTI!!!! besides my nicknames arent that bad..

BirdHoe: I'm just gonna go now. I can't stand your coupley arguments.

Trashmouth: 😳uhhh Stan we aren't dating..

BirdHoe: oh wow I couldn't notice seeing as you two are always arguing like a married couple. Anyways Bye guys.

BirdHoe went offline

Trashmouth: ugh whatever bye dumbass.

Wheezy: Ben are you and mike still here? You guys aren't very active.

Purebean: oh uh yeah I'm here just watching from the shadows

MikeTheMom: i'm here i just don't respond.

I am really excited for writing this so thank all of you for reading it.
Bye ~Joey

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