Chapter 2: Start of something beautiful

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RedHead: so what's up?

Stutterboy: how do you ask out a guy?

RedHead: WAIT WHAT!! Wait so who???

Stutterboy: ...Stan.. I know its stupid but I can't help it!!

RedHead: Bill I never said it was stupid. I just wanted to make sure you weren't coming for my man LMAO

Stutterboy: Wait who? Ben?

RedHead: Yeah! We started dating a few days ago and haven't told anyone so you are the first to know.

Stutterboy: oh nice! Did you ask him out? If so please give me tips. I want to ask him on a date this weekend.

RedHead: Say no more my dear gaybie! I shall summon another gay to help us!


Wheezy: Hey Bev! What's Bill doing in this chat it is the "Gay help" chat and I doubt Bill is a homo.

RedHead: well you are wrong! Billy here likes good ol' Stanley.

Stutterboy: BEV!!!

RedHead: what?? Its the truth.

Wheezy: wait so for real I'm not the only gay guy in the losers club?

RedHead: I don't think you were to begin with. You've seen how Richie acts around you and the Conner dude. Same with Stan around Bill.

Wheezy: Ugh don't remind me of that future-boyfriend theif.

Redhead: right sorry. Anyways! Bill needs a way to ask stan on a date!

Stutterboy: uhh yeah.

Wheezy: well we know he likes birds so why not take him bird watching?

Stutterboy: Eddie youre a genius! I just don't know how to ask him.

Redhead: why not just say "Hey Stan! Its me Bill, I was wondering if you wanted to go birdwatching with me, ya know just the two of us." See if that works.

Stutterboy: oh uhh thanks Bev! I'll try that and see how it goes.
Hey guys so this is the start of Stenbrough and I'm excited! I definitely want to start adding Reddie so maybe in the next few chapters
Anyways see you next chapter

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