Chapter 2: Wherever The Wind Blows

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Author's Note - I haven't exactly figured out how long I want this story to be, yet. I was thinking of making it a short story (roughly 10 chapters) but each chapter would be long. Then again, nothing is finalized, just a thought in mind. I decided to add a second pairing: Ziall, which will start unfolding in this chapter. I want to dedicate this chapter to BeTheChange for the generous comment on the last chapter. Also, because I love her story "All Those Missing Pieces." You guys should check it out :) Anyways, here's the second chapter and I hope you all enjoy x


Harry's Point Of View.

I laid on my back, atop of my bed's comforter - watching the fan on the ceiling move in a circular motion. The light air currents tickled at my eyelids, giving me a sense of relaxation. The room was dark, only receiving light from the crescent moon outside my window; it was only 5:45 in the morning and, as always, I was awake. I would have to face another long day of school and work once the hour hits six. I refused to ask for extra time to sleep, this time, and my mom is already turning her nose up at me in disappointment. She gave me a long lecture when we got home from the bakery last night. She went on to say that I should learn to prioritize and always be accountable for my actions and obligations that need to be done. I'm starting to think that she's forgetting that I have a life to live as well. I don't mean that in a sense of being disrespectful or trying to be older than I am; I mean it in a way in which she should let me live a little. She was once a teen and grew up, at some point. She made her mistakes and I think it's safe to say that she has to let me make mine.

Sometimes, I feel as though she's trying to relive her life vicariously through me. Her advice and nurturing ways will always be acceptable to me; however, I don't want her trying to control me. In less than a year, I'll be eighteen and, at that point in time, I'll want to live my life to the fullest - on my own terms. Not to mention, she could have disregarded my punishment, all together. She is fully aware that Niall and are are practically connected at the hip and he's my only true friend. I'll be spending my life in misery, in my room and working at the bakery, for the next week. School isn't exactly the type of environment I can truly enjoy my best mate's company. We're always worrying about school work and getting to the next course. During lunch, we're more focused on our food - mumbling vague sentences to each other, as we try to beat the time. It might be out of pocket for me to say this, but I'm also going to miss our little make-out sessions. I know it's odd to make out with a close friend, especially in a friendship where we don't have feelings for each other beyond our attraction, but it's something we've become accustomed to. Honestly, I think I feel respected in a way that it's with him. If it was with anyone else, they would try to push past boundaries and pressure me into having sex. It would be nice; however, it's not something on my mind daily.

My thoughts traced back to the blue-eyed lad from the bakery yesterday. Louis was his name. He was an interesting person; well, from what I witnessed in the short, given time. He left his number in my phone and I decided I would give him a text or call some time today. I wouldn't want him to feel like I was blowing him off, even though I had my doubts that I would be able to maintain his interest. I can be so dull at times. My sarcasm is pretty much a defense mechanism to lighten up the mood or show some type of humor. Niall thinks I'm a great person and just as fun as anyone else. Then again, that's something I would expect to hear from him, if not anyone else. Maybe I'm a bit too hard on myself because of all the expectations that have been set upon me. I still have yet to figure out exactly what I want to do with my life. College is always, without a doubt, something I'm going to pursue. It's everything that comes after is what concerns me. The bakery isn't an option, once I graduate. I'll be in a different area, not too close to home. I won't have time enough for my university endeavors, as well as traveling all the way across the town just to get to work. I suppose my mom would understand.

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