Seven Kingdoms 5/10 - Jealous

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Another warning for insinuated sexual situations.

"What's your problem?" Varian yelled at Nuru

"You! Rutting like some animal in the woods."

"There's not exactly any inns around."



"You're an idiot. But then again, older woman nice."

"We have a love hate relationship, she loves me, but she hates it."

"Dude, that is not a healthy relationship."

"Are you okay Nuru?

"I don't understand Hugo, I am always so much nicer to him than Cassandra is."

"He likes people being mean to him, it's what our entire friendship is based on."

"You're friends?"

"Of course."

"So I should try and be mean?"

"Yep. You should."

Tangled Drabbles 100 wordsWhere stories live. Discover now