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"Ah you're awake."The probe says whirring off.

"Wher where am I?"You ask.

"You're in a medical table restrainer. A very famous Jedi once before was strapped into one these."

Famous Jedi before you? You think.

You find out exactly where you are. You are on an Imperial cruser.

You are in the clutches of the Dark side.

You are now truly lost to the galaxy.

Boots hit the floor near the droide begins to shake nervously.

"Sensors detected life forms approaching."It says.

"It's just the..."You start to say before you are interrupted by the door opening

It's Reaper?! He's alive and well somehow after you stabbed him!!!

"What the hell are you doing here?"You ask.

"I'm helping you of course."Reaper says closing the door behind him.

"What, so you can turn me over to the Empire?"You say.

"I don't see how you could give yourself up to them. You have no evidence for their torture techniques."Reaper says.

"If I had information on how to turn you into a red tide on Hoth I'd give myself up in a moment."Reaprs eyes narrow.

"So I see your still pretending like you love me."You say.

"I haven't stopped. If I did, I wouldn't be here. And I never prented..."Reaper says in a sentual voice as he gets closer to your ear.

"I just neede to get rid of those "mistakes" we it's back to just me and you."He said whispearing in you ear he kisses your cheek after.

"You mean our children! They where not mistakes!"You yell still strapped down.

Reaper walks over to the table.

"Your wrists and ankles are strapped to the table medical droids had hands in setting you up. This isn't going to turn out well."He says.

He kisses your lips you bit his lower lip drawing blood and spitting it out of your mouth.

He sucks on his split open lip.

"Still kinky as I remeber. By the way you where out for about 12 days. Give or take you sure did a number on me with your lightsaber."He teased smiling.

"Let me go! Now!"You demand.

"You're out of your mind if you think I'm leaving you here."Reaprs says striding over to a computer and sitting down.

"Now to wip your memory back to before we had kids."He said pressing some buttons.

You eyes watered and a large flash of light was seen.

Then nothing....

"UGh...where am I? Who am I?"You say looking around.

"Reaper? What's going on?"You ask remebering a little.

"You where really sick. Now your better."He said kissing your head.

"We're on the frist eve of the Battle of Rask."He says.

"Battle?"You say confused.

"The Empire and the Republic are going to fight it out here. Thousands of troops where prepared to die for there homeland. I managed to save you just in time."Reaper says.

"Igh..thank you."You say as you feel a pounding in your head.

The room starts to spin as you grip the table.

"No need to thank me, if I hadn't of found you and helped you, you would have been killed in that snowstorm."He lies.

"Droid remove her restraints."Reaper demand.

The droid goes over and undoes your restraints.

"Take her to her quarters."Reaper says.

The droid nods and picks you up bridal style and walks out of the room. You lay in bed. Still confused.

"So how long was I out?"You ask.

"A few days."Reaper says.

"The battle has already started....I feel like I missed something."You say wincing as you try to remember.

"You've missed nothing. I missed you."He said slowly kissing you.

You kiss him back and he begins to press you against the bed.

"Wait...I'm still recovering."You say as he lifts up your tunic.

"Don't worry. Now will you let me love you?"He asks.

"Yes."You as he kisses your chest deeply.

Then sits up as he begins to take off his armor.

"I want to...."He says trailing off.

"What?"You ask as he looks at you with a cheeky grin.

"I want to taste you..."Reaper says with an intense exprestion.

Your heart flutters as he slowly enters you. He begins to rock back and forth as you hold onto his forearms.

"How long has it been since we've done this?"He asks after a bit.

"Too long. "You reply.

You scratch your medium lenght fingur nails down his back.

"It's been too long since we've done this."You whisper in his ear.

He begins to grunt as he finishes.

"We need to talk about your rambling."He says.

He grabs your throat and smiles kissing you intently as he releases you throat from his grip. His eyes flash neon blue.

"You're mine."He whispeard it sounded more like a growl.

You nod slowly.

"I...I'm yours."You say in a trance like state.

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