Archery master 1/2

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Hello, everyone I have now seen that Brave won

A_Poofy_Pomeranian wanted both and I MAY do Robin Hood next chapter idk but uh yeah

Sorta OOC (out of character 👏🏼) Bakugo
ANGST mild-ish?
Near deaths.
Some funny ideas I came in with the story
LOOOOOONNNNGGGGGG CHAPTER, my first long chapter, my longest chapter too.
Prepare to cry— unless it's horrible angst
ON WITH THE STORIES~ also in Brave he will be Fem because it just fits

And this is where the story begins, of a little girl with light sunny curly hair with her shining red eyes and speckled freckles to her cheeks to her button nose down her neck, and as we see here she is clearly hiding, but from what?

"Where are you my little sun drop?~"
Oh it seems to be her mother and herself are playing hide 'n seek.
"Oh when I find her I'm gonna gobble her up when I catch her."

Katsuki giggles quietly when her mother failed to seek in the wrong spot (yes I'm keeping her(his) name the same) and that's when it went quiet, so on alert Katsuki thought it be a good time to move from her spot, but little did she know her mother was waiting for her on the other side of the table. Quickly but not quickly enough she ran but as I said not quick enough her mother latched on her little body and pretended to eat her ((the amount of cringe))
"Mama! haha! S-Stop! That tickles!!" Katsuki giggles and laughs were interrupted by not her moms laughs but her fathers light chuckles. "PAPA!!" She escapes from her mother's light grip and raps her small arms around his legs. "Happy birthday my little sun drop!" Oh yeah did I mention? It's her birthday today. "I have a little gift for you!" Mitsuki smiled as Katsuki gasped in enjoyment so she finally got up from the ground to see what the fuss was about. "WHAT IS IT?? WHAT IS IT?" "I got you, you're very own— Masura paused dramatically while Katsuki was basically bouncing in anticipation.— YOUR VERY OWN BOW! Happy birthday my little sun drop!" Katsuki practically fell on her bum she was so excited, Mitsuki seemed nervous but kept a smile. "Can I shoot? Can I, can I??" "Of course sweetie." And that's what they did Katsuki grabbed her bow and arrows and went to a target in the middle of a field. She held both the equipment in both her small hands and placed the arrow between the bow of the string and the head, she pulled back andddddddddd SHOT!
"I missed.." she sighed dejectedly "that's quiet alright, practice makes perfect!" Masura cheered. "Why don't you go fetch it than." Mitsuki finally spoke up, Katsuki smiles and ran into the near woods where she some how managed to shoot it. While she was gone her mother had finally spoke up to speak with her husband. "Masura you know full well that she is a lady!" "I know but she always wanted one." He chucked and put his arms around her waist. Now with Katsuki.

She finally ran around the forest to see her arrow lodged into the bark of a tree. "Found ya!" Katsuki giggles and pulled the arrow out of the tree, but then she was interrupted by a branch breaking in the distance, she got quiet and looked around, to see nothing but more trees she turned around again to get home to only see a blue flying ghost? It seems. "A wisp..." she whispered, she went touch it for it to only disappear in thin air than a whole trail of wisps appeared seeming to lead her home in a hurry. She of course followed them back to her mama and papa. "MAMA, PAPA!" She yelled running into her mothers arms in which Mitsuki rapped her arms around her daughters small body. "I found a— she was out of breath wisp.." "a wisp you say? You know what I heard? That wisp lead you to your fate." "Pppfft darling I'd stop with your imaginations stop filling our daughter with Fantasies." Masura grumbled.
"Your father doesn't believe in Magic." Mitsuki tisked and shook her head in disbelieve. "Well he should, cause it's true." Katsuki pouted, she than turned around in her mothers arms to come face to face with a black bear with purple-ish scars and ripped fur. "AAAAAHH" Katsuki screamed time alarm her mother and father. "ITS DABI!" (Ew) Masura brought out his sword and ends up fighting the big beast.

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