Party over

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Aang's POV:
we walked over to a more remote part of the party, there were pillows and cushions, which we used to relax. We talked about whatever things we could think of, I told her about my pets, Appa and Momo, my dog and cat, and how they are extremely loyal and often follow me around the house. I now know she enjoys reading, loves cats, loves the beach and loves cooking.

2 hours had passed in our remote getaway, it was 10:00, some people had left, I asked Katara why they left early
She responded "when two people really like each other, they leave a party and do ... Well stuff"

"What kinda stuff"

"Have sex, makeout, that kind of thing. Drinking makes you do that"

"Why would drinking soft drink do that"

"Aang, you innocent child, people have been drinking alcohol at this party, not just cola"

"Yeah, I totally knew that" scratching my head "well, uh, what should we do now?"

"Talk with the others?"


We walked to the remaining group, Zuko, Haru, Lee, Wang, and some girls. The group was casually chatting, everyone was relaxed and sitting on the floor. Then Zuko asked a question aimed towards me and Katara "so, how was your guys' night?"

Katara's POV:
I started to blush, "it was good, we just talked for a couple hours" I knew what he was going to say next.

"What an adorable couple"

"Shut up! We are just friends" I scream frantically

"Yeah, sure, just friends, no one spends that much time with someone at a party, without doing something"

"Well I don't know what to tell you, Aang and I are just friends, we just have plans to go see a movie sometime soon"

"So that's a date"

"It's just a movie with a friend, you do that all the time with Mai, what's the difference?"

"Um, I'm going on dates with Mai, so yeah a date with Aang"

"Enough of this, he and I are just friends, c'mon Aang let's go" as I grab his hand, and lead him out of the door. He asks where we are going, and I just remain silent, quietly leading him to the park. I just want some peace and quiet where we don't get investigated by everyone.

Aang's POV:
As she's dragging me with her, I can't help but take in her beauty, she's confidently dragging me with her, and I'm taking in everything I can. I like the feeling of our hands touching, I certainly don't think I'll tell anyone about this though. "Where are we going", no response, so I decide it's better to keep my mouth shut, then ask anything more. Im looking at her body and can't help looking at her legs, this better be over soon, I can't keep looking at her this way, we're supposed to be friends.

She pulls me for a bit longer, before stopping by a tree and telling me to stop moving. She asks for my phone and I dutifully hand it over, I stare at her while she uses my phone.

"I added my number to your phone" she says, "now we can talk whenever, so what do you want to talk about?"

"Um, what should we do for the movie, also when are we going?"

"Oh, right, how about tomorrow? We can meet at 12 and have lunch before"

"Coolio, what should we do now? You dragged me out here, you must have a plan"

"Well, no. I thought it would take a lot longer to pick a time for the movie, didn't realise guys were so quick to make plans. I also just wanted to add my number, so that's done. I guess we should head back, you don't have anything more to say?"

"Not really, just wondering why you got so flustered back there"

"It's embarassing, don't you feel embarrassed when everyone is staring at you? I just don't want to be investigated by everyone, we are just friends, can't we talk?"

"Yep, I didn't really feel embarrassed though, you took the brunt of it by talking, guess we should head back"

We walked back without talking, I felt I had nothing else to talk about, guess she didn't either, it's still peaceful though, the moon is out and the trees are beautiful. The air was still and calm, I always enjoyed the wind, always eases any anxiety I feel. I just let it wash over my face as I breathed in very slowly.

Once we got back, everyone was chilling on the chairs and talking with each other. The second we walked through the door though, they stopped talking. "Great", I thought, "why are my friends like this". Now that Katara had pointed it out, I could tell what was coming our way.

"Hey, guys"

"Hey Aang! And Katara! You guys are just in time, we are about to take some photos"

"Really? Everyone is sitting down on the chairs" I said, well, photos can't be that bad can they? Can they?

"Well, we are, how about you sit on the chair Aang, and oh, there isn't enough space for Katara, how ... About ... You, sit on Aang, that's alright with you Aang isn't it?"

"Yeeaaahhh, sure" I said shakily, Right, seems about correct.

I sat down in the chair, and Katara excitedly hopped on top of me, basically lying on top of me and posing for the camera. This was too close to be with Katara, and I tried to make sure she didn't feel my boner underneath her, making me sit in an awkward pose. I tried to be as normal as possible. After the photos were taken, we decided to switch it up and have guys sit on top of the girls, I tried to make sure I didn't squish Katara's legs, I was quite a bit bigger then her.

"Can you send the photos to me? Please" everyone asked for the photos, and it started to get a bit quiet, I should probably go soon, it is 11, gonna take me a long time to get home. I say my goodbyes, and set off for my bus stop.

On the bus, I look at the photo, and feel warm inside. She looks so pretty, and she looks so happy. Can't wait for tomorrow to come, can't wait to see her again.

High school AU of Avatar the Last AirbenderWhere stories live. Discover now