School again

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Aang's POV:
I was sat in chemistry with Zuko and Sokka, and we were goofing in the back of the classroom, as usual. We had a really good teacher, Mr. Lee, but more importantly, he was very fun and was always cracking jokes with us. He was the teacher everyone wanted, and I so desperately wanted to have him for year 12, because he was known to be one of the best year 12 teachers as well.

Right, back to us, we were joking around, flicking each other and drawing on each other's notebooks. The usual. The great thing about this was that Mr. Lee didn't really care, it was final week of year 11 for us, we didn't have any real work to do and nothing to study in preparation for year 12. So what that meant was slacking off and playing games during class instead, Kahoot anyone? Mr Lee was setting up the game, so we continued drawing on eachothers note books, before Sokka piped up, "Aang are planning on doing anything with my sister, also I promise I won't hit you regardless of your answer, I just want to know"

"Well not really, I mean, we have school staring back up in 4 weeks. I wouldn't have time to date during that time, so I haven't thought of her in that way"

"So your answer is no"

"I guess so"

"Really!? You don't even like my sister like that?!?"

"Yeah", I'm not going to tell him the truth. The truth is, the more I thought about it, the more I realised, my future is more important then dating someone. I need to focus all throughout year 12, so Katara is just going to have to remain a friend despite my true feelings for her. I'm just going to need to suppress my feelings for her, who knows how I'll do that.

"Wow, I can't believe it Aang, you really are that innocent, well you are off the hook"

"Thanks Sokka" I grumble.

Mr. Lee sets up the Kahoot, and we begin to play the game, the soothing music fills the air and we play till the end of the period.

We pack up our stuff and head off to maths, another great subject, due to our teacher being gone till school ends. So for the rest of the week we have subs, meaning more goofing off. I needed this rest greatly, I don't think I could deal with another week of actual school.

When we arrive at our classroom, we spot the sub. The best one, he just sits in class and watches his phone, so we have free reign. But I'm still kind of steamed at Sokka, what does he mean I'm off the hook, I'm not as innocent as he thinks I am. I'm going to bring it up with him. "Hey Sokka!"

"What Aang, what do you want"

"What do you mean I'm innocent? And what was I on the hook for anyway?"

"Well, you see Aang, I thought for a long moment that you were trying to get into my sister's pants, but now I know, you are too innocent to even attempt that."


"Aang, do you even know what dating is?"

"Uhh, yes" I stammer

"Sure you do bud" he smirks, "what would you do with my sister if you started dating" he reaallllyyy emphasised dating.

"Ummm, I-I ... I guess, I would take her on a date? I would hang around with her every day?"

"Hmph, lucky guess, you were mumbling like an idiot, but you are still too innocent"

"How come?!"

"You were too much of a pussy to say sex or fuck"

"I mean, I didn't want to say that about your sister"

"Yeah right. You Aang, are still an innocent boy. Have you even drunk before?

"No" I sigh

"Are you against it?"


"Well, how about I host a party and you try drinking for the first time? Sound fun?"

I don't want to sound like a pussy to Sokka, and I mean how bad can it be, I've seen Gyatso drunk before and he didn't seem that bad. Plus, I mean, you can't really lose control of yourself can you? That has to be make believe, I mean, how bad can drinking be. "Sure! I'll do it, I kinda just want to go to more parties, I don't want to be the friend of the group who doesn't go, or in my case not invited"

"Well Aang, you have just made me very happy, it's not often I get to experience someone getting drunk for the first. I'll make sure it's as enjoyable as possible, because I know you'll be fun, and I want to see you do it more"

"Right, it's a plan, I drink alcohol for the first time, but how are you going to get it?"

"My dad can get it for me, he's pretty chill, he doesn't see 18 as the drinking age, just sees drinking age as whenever we become old enough to want to try it."

"Well cool, I guess I'll come whenever you host it"

"You better, I'm only hosting this now to see you get drunk, it will be probably on the friday next week"


The bell rings, and we have to go to our next class, I spend my time chatting with Sokka about what I should drink, because I don't want to end up in a terrible situation. We continue talking about this throughout the day till eventually school finishes for the day. We say our goodbyes and I head home after an overall good day of school. I'm anxiously awaiting this party, even if it's really far away. I ponder on the bus, what's going to happen, but I only really have context from the one birthday party, so I really have no idea, guess I'll just have to wait and see.

High school AU of Avatar the Last AirbenderWhere stories live. Discover now