Suki, Toph and Katara

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Suki's POV:
I walk to where Toph's sleeping and notice she's sleeping on her side, I tap her shoulder a little more aggressively then needed and she groans with disappointment and slowly gets up. She seems grumpy and annoyed, with the first words coming out of her mouth as "don't touch me like that again". I need her to be quiet, so I sign to her, "I need your help", she rubs her eyes a bit, then proceeds to give me the most tired look and finally says "yes, what is it?"

Still signing, "we need to be quiet, Katara cannot find out about this, but I want to help Aang date Katara"

Toph moans in annoyance, and signs back to me, "what do I need to do?"

"Be my spy, I'm going to do stuff with Aang and make Katara jealous of him, you just need to tell me how she's feeling about it"

"That's easy, I'll do it. Just one question, can't this end very badly?"

"Maybe? But it's a risk I'm willing to take"

"Sure, I guess, I don't think a plan of yours has failed yet, so by now it's skill not luck"

"Good Toph, well I might go say hello to Katara"

"Okay, bye Suki"

I sneak off to Katara's room, and loudly but peacefully knock on her door. I hear a groaned "come in", and I dutifully walk into her room and see her sprawled across the bed with her hair everywhere. "Hey Katara, how you feelin'"

"Good, just a little tired. Do you know where Aang is?"

"Oh, he's just getting breakfast. Also did you see how strong he looks?"

'uhh, no?"

"Well you should, he looks very nice"

"Okay ... I guess" she says weirdly

"That's getting away from why I was here, what are you doing today?"

"Cleaning the house and sleeping, I might do something with Aang, we've got a lot of spare time now, not as if he's doing something"

"Sure, sure"

"Well, I guess I'll get up, can you stall him while I take a shower?"

"Sure can do"

I return downstairs and see Aang cleaning up, I tap him on the shoulder, and he turns around. "I have the next step of the plan"

"What is it?"

"Let's go to the movies today, Katara is free let's make her jealous"

"Uh yeah sure, let's go"

"Okay, well I'm already packed" she grabs my hand and pulls me out of the front door.

Katara's POV:
I hear the door slam, I wonder who left? I finish getting ready for the day and walk down the stairs. "Aang?", No response, "Suki?", No response aswell. Hmmmm, I think to myself, where could they be. I decide I should text Aang to see where he is.

"Hey Aang, didn't you say we were doing something today, where are you?"

"Oh, just went out to see a movie"

"By yourself?"




"Oh, okay"

I can't believe he would ditch me, I guess a movie with Suki is fine, not as if I'm his only friend. "Do you want to do something later today then?"

I wait for a bit, then see Read 10:37, wow. I can't believe he would leave me on read, maybe benefit of the doubt, he's currently watching the movie. Wait, but he's online on insta, this can't be a coincidence, Aang is ignoring me. Is it because I'm too annoying? Or clingy? I better deal with this properly, let's just take deep, calm breaths and think of my possibilities. Maybe I can ask Suki or Toph for help in why Aang suddenly dislikes me. I decide on Toph because she's in the house currently and will hopefully be straight with me.

"Hey Toph, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, what's up"

"Do I come off as clingy and annoying?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes, people haven't talked to you because of your strong will, but I wouldn't compromise on that, let that be a strong show of your true self"


"Yes, really, also why do you ask"

"I feel like Aang is ignoring me"

"Show me a screenshot of your convo"

"Okay" I show her the photos

"Okay, two options, 1 he is ghosting you or 2 he is genuinely fine. I don't see anything weird, also if it helps, if Aang is avoiding you, then you didn't lose someone important, just move on"

"Okay thanks" I reply awkwardly

I feel a little better, but now it's just the waiting for Aang to respond.

High school AU of Avatar the Last AirbenderWhere stories live. Discover now