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Katara's POV:
After a long day of school I just want to text Aang, I've seen too much of the girls today and want someone fresh to be open with. This school day was hard and what for? Year 11 is nearly over, why did I have to get so much work today, it's not as if it's useful for me, it's not going to be in the HSC. This is stupid.

"Hey Aang, what's up"

"Nothing much, just sitting on the bus, going home. How was your day?"

"Pretty terrible, I had so much work to do today"

"Aww, that sucks, do you have anything planned today?"

"No ☹️☹️"

"Well, do you want to talk when I get back home?"

"Yes please!"

I can't help but smile, it's been a long day. Talking with him should be relaxing. After how good the weekend was, school was a major dropoff, and I was very disappointed I couldn't spend more time with Aang. He was so fun and relaxing on sunday, and I wish it could've lasted longer, but I've always got the holidays.

Hopefully he wants to do more cooking together because I really enjoyed it. Maybe we could make a cooking Club, and do it at Aang's house, or we could change places on a rotation. Who else could we invite, maybe Suki or Toph ... actually, Toph might be a bad idea, I've seen her cook before, usually results in burnt food because she can't quite hear it sizzling. Also as much as I would want to invite Sokka, he can be such a meathead, and he can't cook, although he would be there to purely eat whatever we make, which isn't so bad. I guess I would have to invite him, he is my closest friend after all, I mean he's my brother. I should probably ask Aang when we finally get to talk, I'm so excited for this new idea, hopefully he's on board otherwise I'll have to convince him, one way or another.


Aang's POV:
I arrive home and feel really dirty, I probably should have a shower. I feel gross and tired, hopefully a shower should help with that, so I run upstairs and chuck my clothes on the floor, grab a towel and underwear, and walk to the bathroom. I intended to take a short shower, but I realise I hadn't used soap in a bit, so I ended up completely cleaning myself, shampoo, conditioner, soap and shave.

After a very long shower of listening to various songs ranging from the 80s to 2010s, 40 minutes had passed. Probably a bit too long but I enjoyed myself and felt relaxed and even ready to go to bed. Y'know, I might take a quick nap, I'm too tired to even play on my computer, so I begun to drift off and felt my eyes get very heavy. I felt an urging feeling in the back of my mind, and I was so tired I really couldn't care less what it was. Then it hit me like whiplash, Katara!

But it was too late, my tiredness came crashing down on top of me and I was out. I was dreaming good things, happy things, and very nice things. When I woke up I felt like a pervert, how could I think of her in that way? Then I remember the feeling of holding her yesterday, and it partially goes away, God I wish I could hold her again, this feeling of warmth I felt. But it was fleeting when I realised she just thinks of me as a friend. I mean I just met her, there's no way she feels the same way. I think if I want to do this, I'll have to text Zuko for help, I know he's in a relationship. I also don't want to give him any hints, so I'll try and stay ambiguous about who I'm talking about.

"Hey Zuko, I was wondering if you could solve some questions I'm having in terms of how dating works"

"Do you stay friends with the person if they say no?"

"How would you go about asking someone out?"

"How do you know you like someone enough to ask them out?"

High school AU of Avatar the Last AirbenderWhere stories live. Discover now