Cause and Effect

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Aang's POV:
I feel my stomach lurching, I feel hungry and feel a twinge of sickness in my stomach. Other then that ,I feel pretty okay, although my night is a bit blurred, I can't quite remember the end. I go to turn around, but I scan the room first and notice this doesn't look like my room. I turn around and spot a mass of brown hair, and peeking through I can see Katara's cute face. Wait, I slept in the same bed as Katara, I better go before Sokka kicks my ass, with that thought I hop out of bed and go downstairs to just clear my head. I sit down at the table and check to see if there is any cereal, and too my surprise, there is. I begin to make a bowl when Suki comes walking downstairs. "What are you doing up so early?"

"My training schedule is very strict and so is my sleep schedule, so this is later then usual. I could also ask the same for you, how are you not hungover, you were so drunk"

"I threw up a lot, but I didn't drink that much did I?"

"I only saw you with a drink in your hand"

"I guess I don't know, Katara said I should be in trouble, but I don't feel that bad"

"Well, lucky for you, maybe it's your superpower, you don't get hungover"

"I'll be able to answer that the next time"

"Well anyways ... About last night, do you remember anything?" She inquired

"I remember drinking a bunch and I remember trying to find Katara to no avail"

"Nothing else?", She asked knowingly

"No-o?" I hesitated

"So you don't remember what we asked you?"

"What was it?"

"Who do you like? And why?"

I begin to blush, "What did I say?"

"Oh ... Nothing, nothing much, just that you find ... Katara ... To be one. Fine. Mama"

I look down and blush, I can't believe I said that, there is no way I said that. Like really Aang? A fine mama, where the hell did that come from. "You aren't going to tell her are you?"

"Probably not, but if you cross me, I will gladly sacrifice you to Katara"

"Okay, okay, I get it. I can't believe I told your other friend Toph as well"

"Toph is smart and a wicked lie detector, don't know how she does it, something that she keeps a secret, but it would be impossible to keep your feelings hidden from her"

"Okay" I say flatly

"So, what are you going to be doing about this situation"

"I don't know, she's my friend after all, you can't ask out your friend, I wouldn't ask out Sokka"

"It's a little different between girl and boy friends Aang, you can ask her out, you just might not be friends after though"

"but I don't want that, I want us to be friends as well, isn't there another option?"

"I mean there is, but it's a little sneaky and I would feel kind of wrong about it, but you seem nice enough-"

"What is it" I say firmly

"Well I butter you up to Katara and she eventually sees you in a better light, then you ask her out or to see what she really thinks, we go out together and get information from Toph for how she feels"

"Doesn't that seem bad?"

"Do you want to date her or not?"

"Date her, I guess we will go along with the plan"

"Which one?"

"Both, may aswell do as best as possible"

"Good, well, when should we start this?"

"Can you start now?"

"Yep, I'll go see Katara up stairs, you can finish your breakfast"

"Okay, thanks so much for your help Suki"

"No problem! See ya!"

I return to making my cereal and begin to eat it in silence. I think about what's going to happen between me and Katara, I'm desperately hoping we stay friends if I fail asking her out. She's the best and cutest looking girl I've ever seen, I want to date her so badly, I want to kiss her.

I just hope this goes well. I'm relying on Suki to do the best job possible.

High school AU of Avatar the Last AirbenderWhere stories live. Discover now