Chenji- saviour

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It was another one of those days.
The days where he was in his head, overthinking and unable to stop himself from fidgeting, biting and picking helplessly at his fingers. Unable to stop he words as he speaks- well more like vomits them up to try and make up for the lack of himself he feels these days. He kind of lost count of how many days have been like this recently. He hates it.

He feels himself getting swallowed up by his thoughts, drowning in them.  The voices in his head are whispering things that burn him until he starts to believe the things he hears are true

It wasn't like this at first but now Chenle can barely tell when it started and when he started to fall apart.

Probably for a while now.

They're doing a vlive. 6 dream all packed into a somewhat small practice room with a manager hovering near by. They're talking, answering questions, doing unwilling (or in jaemin's case extremely willing) aegyo. Chenle knows how it goes, every vlive is practically the same. Even so, he usually loves them. Liking the attention they bring but today he didn't know how to act. Why was it so hard to act as himself? Funny, but the only thing he knows of himself is that others constantly nag at him to be quiet. He was known to be loud after all. So he just starts talking. Saying whatever comes into his head, from stories to jokes to his favourite colour. Anything. It seemed to be working, no one picking up on the fact he feels like a fraud of himself. He hopes no one will pick up on how off he feels.

Someone had.

At this point he knows he's being too loud or talking too much when he catches the managers eye. Watching the way his eyes rake over him, with an emotion that kinda looks like disappointment. It stings.
So he shuts up. Knowing he was only bothering those around him. god he couldn't do anything right. He's focused on staying quiet now, praying he didn't ruin the whole vlive like he tends to be doing recently. Chenle is curling in on himself, willing his eyes to study the floor instead of chiming in the now quiet and almost dull conversation. No one seems to really pick up on Chenle's mood switch, too focused on the phone in front of them. All but one.

Jisung had always known Chenle the best, better then Chenle himself it seemed. Jisung studies his face from the other side of of the room. He could just tell Chenle wasn't okay from the way his eyes were glossy and the way he picked at his nails. It hurt Jisung to see Chenle like this.  His heart hurt as he watched the other boy look at the floor  like it was the most interesting Piece of art he'd ever seen.

The usual light surrounding him seemed too dull and Jisung wanted nothing more then to reach out to him, pouring all his emotions and love on the other boy. Drowning out whatever bad thoughts that were currently occupying chenle's mind.

So he does just that. The vlive ends quickly, as if on cue and he makes his way towards chenle's figure. Immediately engulfing him in a hug, tucking Chenle's head into his neck. One of jisung's hands holding his head in place and the only wrapped securely around his small waist. Jisung waits a few seconds until he feels the smaller melt into him, Chenle's hands coming up to clutch the back of his shirt as if it were a lifeline.

Maybe Jisung was his lifeline. Actually scratch that Jisung was chenle's whole world.

The others took this as their cue to leave and jisung made a mental note to thank them later. Slowly he brings them to the floor, back leaning against the wall and chenle leaning into his chest.

Chenle couldn't will back his tears anymore, not when Jisung was whispering sweet nothings into his ear and holding his so lovingly. So he doesn't, he lets his tears flow out of him like a river. And when Jisung runs his hand through Chenle's bleached out hair he melts a bit more. Jisung's words filling his head, overwhelmingly warm. He finds the voices are quiet, too focused on the warm words and warm boy with him. As if they were the only thing that mattered. "You're okay, you're perfect. You are more then enough. You're so talented and I'm so lucky to have you. I love you." His words replaying in his head like a mantra that Chenle couldn't help but smile at.

Once his breathing was steady Chenle looked up to the boy who had saved him many times over. Offering a small 'Thank you' not having let go of his shirt just yet. Afraid that if he does Jisung will leave him, so he tightens his grip at the thought.

And maybe Jisung can read his mind or maybe he just knows Chenle. He knows exactly what he's thinking and how to reassure him.
Chenle feels Jisung lift his chin, feels his hand under his jaw, feels the warmth it offers. They're looking at each other when Jisung tells him "I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here stupid." Before he is leaning in and sealing it with a kiss, as it it were a promise.

Chenle lets his eyes drift shut, kissing back with as much as emotion he could muster. Telling Jisung how much he loved him better then he ever could with words.

Jisung had always silenced Chenle's bad thoughts, told him he's more then enough. And chenle always trusted Jisung's words over his own.

AN- Sorry for any mistakes, its unedited we die like men

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