renle- bittersweet (drabble!)

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Renjun has always had a soft spot for chenle. You could blame it on the fact that they were the only Chinese members in dream and could relate to each other most or just the fact that chenle was cute.

Who knows.

But Renjun knows out of everyone here, chenle had been through the most. Knows how hard it was on him, because there's was a point in time when Renjun was all Chenle had.  The only one he could literally talk to, the only one who could understand him both in the language and  troubles. Chenle had gone to Renjun and confided in him, laughed with him when things were good and cried with him when they weren't.

Renjun is just glad he could understand him. That he wasn't completely alone in this cruel industry.

Chenle was always so bright, always paired with the happiest smile and loudest laugh. Almost too loud if you ask anyone close by, not Renjun though, he loved the sound the most. Not that he'd ever admit it. Chenle was seemingly oozing happiness- his blood made of sunshine, and he was always giving off energy to those around him. He was so bright, unrestricted but even the sun has rainy days too. 

Days full of dark clouds and thunderstorms or ice on the windows, grey skies drowning out all the sun and happiness. Drowning the younger like the ocean swallowing him whole.

Renjun loved him on these days too. Even with no smile to be seen and the only sound was his small hiccups. The ones that follow the sobs and match the tear stained cheeks.

It broke renjuns heart the only thing he could really do was whisper sweet nothings into the younger boy's ear and pull him close. If renjun was being honest, he was never really the best at comforting people but he tried his hardest, hoping that chenle would understand everything he couldn't say through the warmth of their hug.

Renjun knows that the other members couldn't begin to understand what it was like for chenle. How this little kid was ripped from his hometown, basically forced to give up his native language and replace it with a foreign one. Thrown onto the stage at such a young age even before the company. How much he had given up... his hardships, his fears and insecurities. The other members couldn't even begin to imagine because Renjun was the only that Chenle could confide in. The only one he could even begin to vocalize it to.

The only one.

So you can't blame him for having a soft spot for him. Renjun basically raised the kid. Even if he was one himself.

Watching him grow up, growing up with him to see him become who he is now was bittersweet.
Although more sweet than bitter Renjun notes.

Chenle has really grown so much.
He's an adult, one that can speak two almost three languages- If you count his spontaneous English every now and again. He's tall, taller than renjun himself, something no one really saw coming, considering how small chenle was when they first debuted. Chenle who's found his voice, both in speaking to the other members, and in singing. Chenle who never fails to crack a joke even making the staff laugh along with him. Chenle who used to struggle picking up dances, now can dance any genre presented to him. Chenle who's voice is so smooth, like Silk and soft like the gentle summer breeze. The same chenle that renjun grew up with is now an adult.


It's a weird feeling. One that leaves Renjuns heart aching slightly in its wake. A feeling he can't particularly describe even if he tried.

And as bittersweet as it is, he keeps growing with this stupid boy. Even if their memories from the past slowly slip through his fingers like sand from an hourglass. He can't think too much of the it and all the sadness that's behind them because he'd rather look forward. Toward this boy who's dipped in gold that he'd grown up beside.  To all the new memories they'll create together. To the future. Side by side.

All the ups and downs, they finally lead them here together. And renjun knows he wouldn't want it any other way. 

super short but I wanted to put out something today!
Have a nice night~

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