29 - Fighting (Edited)

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Inara was 8 months pregnant while Taehyung was always busy with his schedule. He really feels bad towards Inara because always left the kids with her. He is just worried since her belly is getting bigger and about to do labor, doesn't have much rest plus the twin is out of control now. Ara always wants Inara's attention. He doesn't know why they act like this. It may be because their other baby will come out soon so they want some kind of attention from their mother. He just can't imagine how Inara got through all this. 2 weeks ago, she couldn't walk because of pain in her lower belly. On that day, she was just laying on the bed plus her headache thumping her so bad.

Since they become active nowadays, it's pretty hard for Inara to look at them because they love to run around the house, fighting over a toy and she just didn't want to get angry. She didn't want to stress out. If she still can hold it, she will do so

One day, as Taehyung was not at home, the twins had a huge fight over toy. It was a nice vibe in the living room where Noa was playing with his toy aeroplane but a few minutes later Ara suddenly grabbed it. It's make Noa getting angry

"Argh... Ara... that's mine. Gimme back."

Ara didn't care about Noa. So she went around and played with the toy. Noa went to catch her but she was just too fast to catch up.

"Argh.. gimme.. mama.."

At that time Inara was in the kitchen preparing a few things there. So she just speak from there

"Ara.. give it back to Noa. That's not yours."

"Arghh... Ara.." Noa begging.

The scene keeps continuing and makes Inara go out from the kitchen. She raising her voice a bit

"Stop running! Ara... give it back to Noa!"

She still didn't listen

"Mama said give it back!"

"If mama counted until 3 but you still didn't give back.. mama will punish you."

She stopped running but still didn't give back to Noa and at that time, it's time for Noa to attack her. Inara who that scene try to stop

"Stop.. stop.. stop both of you. Ara! Noa!"

They become separated with Inara's help.

"Ara.. Go to your room and give mama that."


"Go to your room. Mama will punish you. Now!"

It makes Ara angry and throws the plane to the floor and makes it scatter and break. She then left to her room. At the same time, that made Noa angry too because his favorite toy was broken.

"No! My plane.. Ara!" He cry

Inara took the plane and was about to give it to Noa.. but he resisted. He showed his tantrum. Inara try to console him

"Hey.. it's okay.. mama will buy new okay? Cha.. lets play with this for a while okay?"

"No.. shiro."

"Noa.. cha.. it's still playable. Look at here.."

"No.. it doesn't.." It's make him crying louder and become more aggressive

"Honey.. mama will buy the new one okay? We'll wait appa come home okay sweetie?Then we will buy it. Cha.. just play with this okay.. or find another toy. Hey.. hey.. Where is your car? Play with that first okay honey?"

"No!" He then threw the pieces of the plane to Inara and hit her bump.

At the same time, Taehyung who just arrived

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