The Glamorous 5

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My hands were wrapped up in the sleeves of my hoodie, my clenched fists grasping the leather strap of my backpack that lay next to me in the booth near the window

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My hands were wrapped up in the sleeves of my hoodie, my clenched fists grasping the leather strap of my backpack that lay next to me in the booth near the window.

My beanie was resting on the crown of my head, my hair fell framing my face and covering it from profile points of view. The old leather jacket stretched smoothly over my shoulders and had many seams and patches from were I sewed it up, desperate to make it last.

A small nudge on my thigh caught my attention and I looked down to see Chichi's fluffy, black head poking out of the top of my rucksack. She was hidden by the table cloth.

My arm draped over the bundle of fabric and my fingers reached to scratch behind her ears which earned a low purr, her head moving to nuzzle my hand. Her big, purple eyes looking up at me while her paw reached out and rested on my knee.

"I know your hungry, baby, just a while longer," she licked my hand in affection, retreating back into the bag when the waitress walked over with tea and a small plate of fish and chips.

The tea cup rattled in it's saucer as she set it on the red and white table, the small plate beside it wafting the smell of cooked fish making my mouth water.

I nodded in thanks, giving her a polite smile which she returned before retreating back around the counter. As soon as she was out of sight I picked up a section of fish, pealing of the batter before laying it in my empty hand and lowering it to my side.

A small smile stretched across my lips as I felt Chichi's paw swipe the white meat off my palm, touching her nose to my finger in thanks.

I pulled my cracked pocket watch from my jacket, flipping it open just in time to see the hour hand strike one. Tea time. I raised the porcelain cup to my lips, my pinkie raised slightly out of habit. The warm liquid, though grainy and somehow dry was a comfort. Nobody on earth made tea as well as the Mad Hatter, it was little things like that I missed dearly.

I once again felt a pressure on my leg and looked down to see that my bag had shifted, now it lay flush against my leg. Though the material was thick I still felt the comforting needing of paws from my concerned familiar. Chichi and I shared a telepathic link, though we could not speak we often felt each other's emotions and right now I could tell sadness was coming of me in waves.

There was only a ring of beige liquid at the bottom of my tea cup when I stood, waving my hand subtly by my side and making the left over food on my plate vanish in a small wisp of aqua smoke and into the container in my bag which I fastened carefully and delicately slung over my shoulder. I dug my hand into the pocket on my jeans and retreated with a couple of scrunched up notes, there would be enough for one maybe two more meals if I used it sparingly. Tossing one on the table as a tip, I pulled the heavy glass door to the cafe open ringing the silver bell as I passed.

The cool air hit me like a slap to the face, the chill darkening my cheeks, nose and causing me to grasp my forearms and digging my chin into my chest. My rucksack had plenty of scarves for Chichi to bundle herself in but I sent a flicker of power to warm them up, I just about heard a small purr over the whistling of the wind.

I was so glad that I had my beanie on to cover my actual cat ears and that my tail was tucked safely into my jeans, no matter how uncomfortable It would be way worse for them to be exposed to this harsh weather.

I cut down a large alleyway that acted as a windbreaker as my shoulders relaxed from where they were hunched and practically covering my ears. The side road was surprisingly clean, boxes and crates stacked up high next to restaurant's back doors. My ears flicked inside my beanie when a mouse darted across my path and I had to restrain the restlessness in my chest.

I came to an abrupt halt when I felt the atmosphere drop, the feel of Chichi shuffling uneasily in my bag proved my suspicions. My hand reached up to clasp my pendant and it glowed a rich purple as I felt my backpack get immediately lighter due to the loss of the black feline. A restless and concerned energy radiated from my necklace but I continued to scan the rooftops.

"It's okay, Chichi, I'll be okay I promise," my mumbled words did little to calm her but at least she stopped resisting.

A wave of panic washed over me as a tingly sensation ran down my back and the burning of five of my marks.

I looked up to the sky in a curse to god. This could have happened on literally any other day.

One would think a girl could just run away from a supernatural government with her para-psychological cat in peace-

The air pressure shifted as I sensed figures blocking ether side of the alleyway and two on the roofs parallel.

So not only were five of my soulmates here. But they worked for SHIELD.

Hell to the no.

As I lifted my gaze to meet my assailant, my eyes widened and on the inside I was cackling like my original form at the irony.

Because at the end of the alleyway stood a wapping 6ft Captain America.

And I thought that today would hold no more surprises.

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