I Think That Was Sedative

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I shifted my stance to make it wider and more steady, flicking my hands to extend the dark claws sharpend to a point

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I shifted my stance to make it wider and more steady, flicking my hands to extend the dark claws sharpend to a point.

"Cheshire, I'm going to ask you to come with us, don't make this harder than it needs to be," the captain's voice sounded clearly through the alleyway as he stalked towards me with a steady gait, his voice sending involuntary shivers down my spine.

Oh, body, you treacherous thing.

Was it only me that felt it? Because that would be wonderful. Did he not feel it or-?

Suddenly the Captain's footing stumbled, his eyes widening a fraction and his mouth parting.

Oh, no he definitely did. Well isn't that fantastic.

"No thank you?" the words came out of my mouth sounding more like a question than a statement. But as if being a summons the sound of thrusters and metal clanking chaffed on my sensitive ears.

"What do we have here?" Oh, you have got to be kidding me,

"Hello, you, we've been searching for you for quite some time," I took of in a sprint. Scaling up the wall with ease and landing on the flat roof top. I didn't care for the pounding of footsteps that followed me, just that I ran. It was what I was good at anyway.

The gravel ground under my boots as I jumped of the side of the building and thanks to my cat reflexes, landing perr-fectly on my feet. Pun intended. The streets were deserted as I zigzagged through them. My five soul marks were now aching more and more as the distance between us became larger. I admit, one part of me wanted to run into their arms but I knew I couldn't.

In this world, unlike in wonderland, people had soulmates. They were symbolised as tattoos on our skin, just black ink until we made physical contact then they gained colour. Normally, people have two maybe even three soulmates but not your's truly. Nope. Because I had 14. Classic me. Their marks were in two columns down my spine in no particular order, It was stupid of me to think, to hope, that my soulmates were just massive superhero fans. That the captain america shield was just some type of Frisbee or that the arch reactor was just some fancy jewel.

The one time I choose to not be insane, the world slaps me straight again.

Anyway, back to the chase scene.

I knew my familiar could feel the ache in my chest yet the determination to escape. My claws were digging into the flesh on my palms, creating crescent shaped lacerations oozing blood.

I risked a glance over my shoulder and regretted it immediately, whipping my head back on straight. Two figures were tailing me on either rooftops, the captain was charging on the ground while Iron man was above him. trailing me from the sky. Now where the hell was the other one-

And I ran into a wall. Seriously! A wall of all things- Oh.

Nope. definitely not a wall.

Just a spider man.


One of the soul mark on the very top of my spine stopped aching immediately but instead was replaced by a slight pinch in the neck-

Oh shit. was that sedative?

Two comforting arms wrapped around me before I hit the ground, my eyelids slowly closing despite my struggles to keep them open.

Yeah, I thought.

I think that was sedative.

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