Next To My Neighbour's House

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A small groan spilled from my throat as I shifted, my body locked in an uncomfortable position, forehead rested against a cool surface, my back hunched in an uncomfortable chair and my wrists locked together by metal vices

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A small groan spilled from my throat as I shifted, my body locked in an uncomfortable position, forehead rested against a cool surface, my back hunched in an uncomfortable chair and my wrists locked together by metal vices.


I peeled my eyes open only to shut them against the onslaught of light that sent spears of pain through my temple.

"Ah, glad to see your awake, Cheshire," Oh, how I have missed you. Director Fury was sat across from me.

"Yes, well how can I not be conscious for this tremendous hospitality," I said giving jazz hands, making the metal cuffs clank against the table making another wave of pain wash over my head.

"Well we want you to be as comfortable as possible, wouldn't want you to feel...claustrophobic," a small smirk spread across his face. Ass.

"Yeah, I bet you wouldn't dream of it," I muttered under my breath.

"Well if your talking about the fact that I feel like I might throw up. This is by far worse than a hangover I have ever had on human alcohol, and that's including what happened on St Patrick's day," when I noticed Director Fury's small eyebrow raise I shook my head, wincing.

"Another day," with that he nodded, setting his clasped hands on the table between us.

"You know why your here," the amused light left his eyes replaced with a gleam that looked way too close to disappointment for me to be comfortable with.

"Yes, I do. You suspect me of David Steven's pop sockets and microwaving James Smith's skull, correct?" I summarise with a small smirk, leaning back.

"Why did you do it?" his mouth was in a pressed line, hands tightened.

"The problem with you, Patchy, is that you believe I am a good person," I narrowed my eyes, allowing my Cheshire cat grin to sport on my face,

"Well, news flash, I'm not" I flared my hands as much as I could.

"Yes, you are," he met my eyes and it almost makes me want to cave. Almost.

"You are a good person and I know that because I practically raised you myself," his voice raised slightly showing his emotions which is a thing he only did around a few selected people and I was honoured to be one of them but I couldn't let my facade slip.

"What did they do, because despite what you may think, Cheshire, I know you. Probably more than you know yourself. And I know that they must have done something or it wasn't you, that you would not kill innocent people," the pain in his eyes made her heart ache. She was about to open her mouth to speak but he beat her to it.

"Seven of your soulmates are behind that glass, and this is the impression you want to make on them-" I flinched"-They love you and your going to act like this just because you protecting someone or something," I only just noticed how three more of my soul marks were now tingling.

"They don't love me, not already, they aren't that stupid," I crossed my arms despite the cuffs and tried so hard to hide the pain in my eyes but he was practically my father and I know that he could see it.

"Oh, trust me," he gave a rare smirk,

"They're that stupid," we both heard the series of outraged sounds and I couldn't help the warmth that spread through me and I knew he could see it too.

"Have to say, I knew you would do good but I did not expect this," he looked to the glass and back. I wanted to cry at the pride in his voice but I knew what we were all here for. And most importantly I knew who I needed to protect.

"Who are you protecting," he asked softly, I closed my eyes, tilting my head away from the mirror and him.

"Come on, Patchy, you know I don't break that easily," he gave a huff of breath but his eyes twinkled at the nickname he supposedly hated. I took a sip of water from the glass in front of me.

Another sound from the other side of the glass that sounded like a laugh followed by a muffled thump.

I choked out a laugh over the water, covering my mouth. I had a feeling that I knew exactly who that was.

"Cheshire, where are they," I gave a slight smile,

"She lives with me," I huffed, turning my glass and pushing out my lips to form a pout as if I was upset that he cracked me so easily.

"And were do you live now?" he questioned,

"With her," a small smirk formed on my lips, Fury groaned, he knew what was happening but he kept going.

"And where do you both live?"

"Together," I was almost certain I could hear snickering from the other room.

"Where is your house?" Patchy was used to my games but it still annoyed the hell out of him,

"Next to my neighbour's house,"

"And where is your neighbour's house?"

"You won't believe me if I told you,"

"Cheshire," he looked hopeful, as if I would give in that easily,

"Next to my house," now I was certain that I heard smothered laughter from behind the glass.

"Fury, I know you need to eliminate the threat, I know that better than anyone. In fact if it was someone else you probably would have sent me to do the job," his shoulders relaxed at my understanding,

"But you don't have to, she isn't a threat anymore," no one but Fury saw the sadness in my eyes and he understood, I could tell he did.

"Give me your word," he also understood that among other things, my word was one of the things that was never broken.

"I give you my word," he unlocked my cuffs and I held out my hand, a glowing aqua light in my palm.

When he shook my hand the light split into two, wrapping around both of our forearms and flaring before disappearing.

"Now, time to introduce you to your soulmates," I grinned, not my Cheshire cat grin but a general one before remembering.

"Ahem," I cleared my throat pointing to my bare neck, he made an oh face of realisation before pulling out a long silver chain from his trench coat pocket, as I placed it around my neck the purple light flared and warmed in comfort before returning to it's normal violet colouring.

Fury chuckled,

"She wouldn't stop burning me, I had to wear gloves to even hold it," I smiled proudly, looking down on the pendant, whispering a 'attah girl' earning a flare in response and a glare from Patchy.

"Are you ready?" he asked gesturing to the glass with his eyes- Oh, sorry eye. I shifted nervously, feeling all of their gazes burning into me.

"As ready as I'll ever be,"

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