Family Pride

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I awoke to the sound of clicking and flashing lights, not so quiet whispers were being exchanged and I nuzzled my head farther into the chest I was leaning on

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I awoke to the sound of clicking and flashing lights, not so quiet whispers were being exchanged and I nuzzled my head farther into the chest I was leaning on. I adjusted my arm that was loosely yet snugly draped around a purring ball of fur, resting my other arm that was pinned underneath me to the side while it splintered with pins and needles, causing me to scrunch my nose in distaste. When I went to adjust it once more I felt a weight pinning me down,

"Oh my god she is adorable,"

"I am so keeping these photos,"

"Shut up, both of you. Your going to wake her,"

I cracked one eye open just a smidge to assess the situation. I was lying on Steve's chest, his arm around me, with my nose buried in Chichi's fur while the rest of my soulmates crouched and stood around us, snapping photos and cooing at how 'adorable' I was.

I'm not going to deny that the half of me that was cat did enjoy the spotlight. What can I say, We are prideful creatures.When they noticed me stirring they took steps back, Tony already running for the hills in fear of being on the wrong end of my temper once again.

"What time is is?" I ground out, shifting and accidentally elbowing Steve in the side. I mumbled an apology, sitting up,

"It's four O'clock, котенок," I blushed at the nickname, taking Nat's hand that she offered, helping me stand,

"The others should be back soon, it's your choice if you want to meet them though," I must have gotten whiplash from how fast I nodded, causing a round of laughter,

I was just about to sit back down when the ping of the lift sounded through the room, my spine stiffened as I felt the soul mark near the base of my back tingle. Standing straighter, pulling my hood up to cover my ears and spelling my jeans to hide my tail. When I looked up I saw my soulmates frowning at where hid my features.

"Just until I know them," I assured them, ducking my head. Honestly I was afraid they would find them creepy. After all, it's not every day you meet your soulmate. Imagine that,

'Hey I'm your soulmate and- wHaT Is tHaT A tAiL! wHy Do yOu hAvE a tAil!

Let's just say I don't think it would end well.

The doors opened and I had to stop my jaw from hitting the floor. HE'S SO ADORABLE!

One of the two was a man with short hair and a cute geeky Star wars shirt, he had a backpack slung across his shoulder and was probably only an inch above me. The other man was practically a foot taller than both of us. His hair looked really soft. And is that a metal arm!? That's awesome.

I didn't realise I was staring at them until someone cleared their throat behind me, sending me stuttering. The shorter one stepped forward, rubbing the back of his neck,

"Hi, I'm Peter,"

"Cheshire. Your really cute," his face went bright red, causing me to hold back an awe. He gets flustered so easily! The other one stayed back, metal arm almost fully hidden behind his large back. He looked nervous, eyes downcast. So obviously me being me I had to ask probably the most stupid question I could think of.

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