☆ n e w k i d ☆

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new kid; 
non-established relationship
here we go again! aha- anyways, thank you to pokie suggested highschool dreamnap also the song doesn't go along with this, wilbur is just comforting


Sapnap sighed, sitting at his desk- trying to focus on the current lesson, as he could care less for this class. But, he only stayed for one thing.

The cute dirty blonde haired boy that sat in front of him- that's been on his mind the past few days nonstop.

Yes, you read that right. 'cute dirty blonde haired boy that sat in front of him.' He wasn't wrong though. The blonde transferred schools about a few days ago, and caught Sapnap's eye quite quickly.

He always sat in front of him, mostly wore green and kept a white mask on his face- like the cloth ones you see people wearing due to the pandemic at this time- except it had a smile printed onto it.

And don't get him started on the blonde's eyes, god, those looked like an angel eyes to Sapnap.


"-it's time to go, Sapnap." Sapnap was taken out of his trance of the new boy and brought back to reality instead of the clouds by Karl's voice ringing throughout his ears.

"Heh? Oh," Sapnap blinked a few times before sighing. "hey Karl." Sapnap spoke, seemingly bored talking to his close friend; earning an annoyed sigh from the older.

"C'mon dude- You're spacing out more than when Bad looks at Skeppy." Karl chuckled, running a hand through his brown hair. "Let's go to lunch, idiot" The brunette called behind himself as he started walking out the classroom door and into the halls. Sap sighed, grabbing his books and his bag and running after his best friend.



Tommy's loud voice boomed from the table behind Sapnap, causing him to message his temples and let out a small sigh. George gave a small giggle, nudging Karl next to him who upon getting the memo, gave a small gin towards the colorblind male and playfully kicked Sapnap's leg from under the table. "What the fuc-" Karl cut him off before he could finish.

"Hey Sap," Karl started, a smirk forming on his face. "-The new boy just walked in-"

Sapnap perked his head up, looking at the entrance of the cafeteria to see the blonde that's been on his mind all day "Nevermind, I forgive you" Sap mumbled.

"Go tell him to sit here, he's been sitting by himself almost every day; or he just doesn't come to the cafeteria all day"

"On it." Sapnap spoke, rushing out of his seat- earning a confused glare from Tommy behind him. The raven haired male watched as the angel sat down by himself near a window.

"Hey," The blonde's head moved towards the direction of the sound.


Sapnap almost, well- did, just melt right then and there, his voice was so soft- yet so calming and nice to listen to. God- he could listen to it forever, but he has a task.

"Would you- like- uh- to sit with my friends and I?" Sapnap asked, studying the boys face- let's hope he's not making it so obvious. "What's your name?" Sapnap also asked, leaning down on the table.

"...Sure-" The boy answered, smiling softly even though Sap couldn't see it through his mask. "I'd love to, my name is Dream"

"Then c'mon, Dream!" Sapnap cheered, grabbing the boy's hand and leading him to his table where Karl and George were waiting patiently, both with grins of their faces.

ɞ590 wordsʚ
finally, this is done, class is a pain in the ass but; it on break for about a week and then i go back on break for two weeks for "christmas" or whatever- okay bye! <3

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