C H A P T E R 1

138 18 19

"Hey Dad!" My voice echoes through the entrance of my parents house

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"Hey Dad!" My voice echoes through the entrance of my parents house. I had planned on only stopping by Mom and Dad's for just a minute to retrieve a book Dad had recommended before heading back into the city to meet my boyfriend, Jeremy for the date tonight.

"Helloooo?" I call out sweetly in a sing-song voice tossing my car keys onto the crystal seashell shaped dish centered on the foyer table.

Usually, Dad always greets me in the foyer once he's heard me. So I wait a second for him to appear in the rounded archway of our family home.

When he doesn't arrive I drop my leather satchel at the legs of the table and head on in, curious as to what Dad is working on that he isn't coming to meet me.

The comforting sweet smell of fresh florals fills me, bringing with it the scent of my mother. She always has fresh flowers near the foyer and in every room of the house, giving the large house a homie feel it would lack without her touch of comforting details.

It's May, so sprinkled among the built in shelves of figurines of ceramic sea creatures and glass bowls of sea glass light pink, white, and cream colored peonies fill the flower vases.

Thwack, thwack, thwack

I pause in my tracks as my ear trains on the strange sound coming from the hallway to Dad's home-office room.

Thwack, thwack, thwack

I peek around the hallway to the large open kitchen and notice it's empty then look back to the hallway leading to Dad's office, where the sounds continue.

"Dad?" I ask slightly concerned at what in the heck he's working on. It sounds like he's beating something, but Dad is the furthest thing from being a handy-man. Dad is a high profile defense attorney, he hires a handy-man for any sort of job that requires the most basic power tools.

Tape measure included.

"Fuck yes, you dirty whore." Dad's deep voice calls out from the office room and my eyes nearly pop out of my skull.

Oh My God, eww!

I've been listening to Mom and Dad getting it on! And not only that, but hearing them inappropriately dirty talk to each other-

"Ugh, yes. Fuck me harder, Mr. Reazpoe."

I gasp at the female voice that doesn't belong to my mother and cover my mouth with both hands, stunned into silence.

My racing pulse pounds in my ears nearly drowning out the disgusting noises assaulting my ears.


It feels like my ears are bleeding. The repulsive sounds coming from Dad's office have me frozen in place unable to move forward to confront him or run backwards to forget everything I'm hearing.

"Do you like that, you dirty girl?" Another sound of a hard slap breaks through the deep pounding in my ears.

I can't believe what I'm hearing.

My mother and father are happy. They've been happily married for 27 years. I don't understand...I'm so confused...I'm so...

Suddenly, in my anger I'm kicking the door to my father's office open.

It nearly swings off the hinges and slams loudly onto the wall. My eyes zeroing in on my adulterous father and Emily Cho, his assistant, bent over the desk in the center of his office.

Both of them freeze mid fuck as I heave loudly in the doorway, my eyes filling with hot tears at the sight of my father mortified that his youngest daughter has caught him red-handed with his freaking pants down.

Everything my dad has taught me throughout my twenty-five years of life means absolutely nothing now.

He means nothing.

I'd thought in a life-changing moment like this I'd have something worthwhile to say. But I just stare at them as Emily scrambles off the desk and fixes her black tight pencil skirt and my dad stuffs himself back into his navy slacks.

"Muriel." Dad rounds the desk and comes towards me, but I turn on my heel and sprint out of there.

"Wait! Muriel! Stop!" His commanding tone stops me as I fumble with my keys in the foyer. "You can't tell your mother. This would wreck her. Your mother and I are happy and I don't want her to-"

The tears spill and I screw my jaw tight.

He's taught my sister and I to always do the right thing. Don't lie. Try your hardest at whatever you do. Always be honorable.

"You're a fucking hypocrite." I say breathing heavily.

"Language, Muriel." He scolds me quickly. The tone of his voice nearly has me cowering, like it always has when he's scolding me or my sister.

But I swipe my bag from the floor and fix it to my shoulder, pinning him with my crying eyes, "You tell her tonight. Or I will."

"Muriel." He barks again, but I turn and grab the handle to the front door and fling it open, "Muriel Jane Reazpoe do not walk away from me when I'm talking to you!"

But that is exactly what I do.

Check that. I run away.

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