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I broke my own drinking-rule back at the Thomas's house

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I broke my own drinking-rule back at the Thomas's house. I've always stuck to two drinks and its never failed me.

Not once.

I've never suffered from a hang over. And two drinks gets me to the perfect buzz of having fun but still sober enough to be sure me or any of my friends don't do anything to hurt themselves.

But I gave Maggie, as well as myself, a promise to live a little. So, my two glasses of wine turned into four while Jane and Maggie dolled me up. Then, with a decent buzz and a constant giggle, I tried on Maggie's outfits.

They were comical. I'd never wear them. I even felt silly enough to send Jeremy a picture of a pinstripe jumpsuit that looked horrid on me.

Eventually, I decided on the safest option. High waisted jeans, clear buckle heels with a chunky heel, and a gold sequin crop top that clasped in the back by a chain. Jane worked on my hair for two hours only to run her fingers through the curls, and Maggie covered my face in make-up.

I liked it, but I wasn't sure if it was because I was slightly drunk or if it was because I didn't totally look like myself. I did, however, protest when Maggie covered my freckles with foundation and contour, but she did draw on 'faux-freckles' when originally I wasn't happy with it.

The drive inside the Uber was quick and the neighborhood we were driven to is just as affluent as Notting Hill. I knew judging by the sizes of the duplexes and how beautiful the buildings were Stewart was most definitely not splitting the rent with Ollie evenly.

However, I'm positive Ollie is having no trouble covering the majority of the rent, if not all.

When the Uber parks along the curb Maggie and I step out quickly huddling tightly beneath an umbrella Maggie brought from home.

A large cement barrier contains the modern three-story house with a keypad near a black metal gate. Maggie types in the code and the gate clicks open, allowing us inside.

Our heels click against the wet cement as we walk the slight incline if the front walkway. Above the front door is a balcony to which I notice a group of people hanging out and smoking.  The smell travels down and I know it could be weed and cigarettes. And by the deep pounding noise, it's obvious they've got loud music inside.

All of this would normally send my nerves into a tailspin, but luckily the alcohol in my system doesn't allow me to be antisocial. Instead, I feel excitement when Maggie opens the front large door. "Let's dump our things in Oll's room before we get sidetracked." Maggie tells me hooking an arm around mine and collapses the umbrella.

I only have a moment to scope the large crowded bachelor pad out for a few moments before Maggie is escorting me up a flight of acrylic stairs to the second floor.

"If you need to get in here, use my code. It's my birthday, 0511."

I can remember that, even in my current state, "May eleven. Check." I salute her as she types in her birthday into the keypad outside the door then she opens and we step inside.

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