chapter 20: just like a rainbow you know you set me free

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A/N: Thank you all for reading  and voting 😍 it really is appreciated.

They returned upstairs in silence.

Once back in the bedroom Can busied himself getting Ren ready for bed, bathing her, feeding her again, dressing her in a cosy sleep suit and cuddling her until she began to wriggle. She was tired so it didn't take him long to settle her to sleep.

It was at that point he turned to Tin who was perched on the edge of the sofa watching him. Normally he would have offered to help but not today. He seemed to understand Can's need to be close to his daughter. Can walked to him and at his approach Tin stood and opened his arms. Can walked straight into his embrace and buried his face in Tin's neck.

They stayed like that for several minutes, breathing one another in. Can welcomed the comfort that Tin's arms provided.

Predictably, the silence was broken by the loud rumble of Can's stomach. They both laughed, grateful for the excuse to smile. "I'll ring down for something," Tin said, and they broke apart while Tin went to his desk to make the call.

Can sat himself down on the sofa and waited. When Tin had finished the call Can said, "Did you mean it when you said that there's no legal way that Lhew can take Ren?"

Tin sat down next to him and took his hand. "It's watertight. I promise you my lawyers are the best in Thailand."

Can nodded. "Should we press charges against her for assault?"

"Do you want to? It was you she was aiming for, not me."

"I don't think so. I just want her out of our lives. The injunction should be enough." He sighed. "It won't hurt to let her fester for a while though."

Tin hummed and they fell silent again, both exhausted. The knock at the door signalling the food's arrival broke the spell and Can's face lit up when Tin took possession of the tray.

When they'd finished eating Tin said, "Why didn't you tell me about Tul being back?"

Can's response was immediate. "I didn't want to worry you. I knew you'd come straight home and I thought I could handle him." He rubbed he back of his head. "That didn't work so well."

"Thank you." Tin's voice was soft and his eyes warm. Can loved him like that, all open and trusting. Trust was a huge thing for Tin, and he'd given it to Can. The two words of thanks covered a multitude. Not just for protecting him by not wanting to worry him, but for standing up for him, for taking his side against Tul, for getting to the truth.

Can pulled Tin into a hug. "Thank you for coming for us today." He pulled back and kissed him. Pulling back, he said, with a wink, "Lock the door."


In the morning, Can skipped his run so he could spend the time cuddling Tin, and then when Ren stirred, cuddling both of them. Of course, her flailing limbs kicked Tin's sleeping form and woke him up and the indignant sleepy look on his face sent Can into a fit of laughter.

As they ate breakfast Can announced he was skipping classes so he could go and see his Ma. He wanted a hug from the woman who raised him, he didn't think he'd ever appreciated her more than he did right now. He messaged her and arranged to meet her in her lunch break at a café near to her workplace.

"You don't have class. Do you want to come too?" he asked Tin who was attempting to smooth down Ren's hair where she sat on his lap.

"I need to talk to my parents."

As he the mentioned his parents Tin's contented faded and became resigned. Can reached for his hand. "Do you want me to stay with you? I can re-arrange Ma until later."

in the hands of fate (a love by chance, tincan, story)Where stories live. Discover now