girlfriend-sister bonding

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An empty house always meant one thing for Rachel and Quinn. It usually involved clothes strewn across the hardwood floor of Quinn's room. At the moment, Rachel was topless and straddling her girlfriend of three years, a smirk curling at her lips. Her hands were closed around Quinn's wrists, pinning her down.

"What're you gonna do to me, baby?" Quinn asked, brow cocked. She raised her hips off the bed, grinding her straining erection against Rachel. The heat of her pussy was making Quinn light-headed. Rachel leaned low, brushing her mouth against Quinn's parted lips.

"I want.." Rachel began, rolling her hips in fluid circles that caused Quinn to gasp and arch into her. " try something new."

Quinn blinked and licked her lips. "Like what?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." Rachel admitted, releasing Quinn's wrists. The blonde rose to a sitting position, her palms cupping Rachel's butt. Quinn kissed her exposed neck and hummed softly, her girlfriend's fingers threading through her hair. "I want to make sure you're okay with it."

"Do I get to veto?" Quinn murmured against Rachel's cheek. Her cock was still hard, no doubt about it. They had been busy for the past few weeks. And so, it had been a few weeks since she last felt the slick, velvet walls of Rachel's pussy. "No weird stuff, like peeing on each other—"

Rachel pulled back and scrunched her nose. "Where in the world did you get that idea of peeing on someone?"

Quinn flushed and busied herself with the fading marks she left all over Rachel's neck during lunch earlier that day. "I don't know, but apparently it's a thing."

"I want to spice up our sex life but not that much." Rachel scratched the nape of Quinn's neck, knowing how much it made her girl shudder. True enough, Quinn whimpered and trembled underneath Rachel's touch. She ducked her head down and latched onto Rachel's nipples, sucking softly. Her fingers curled around the small of Rachel's back, pulling her closer to her.

"How about we do the spicing up later and just have good, old-fashioned sex?" Quinn husked, kissing up Rachel's cleavage to her mouth. She sucked on her bottom lip and hummed. A soft noise came from Rachel's throat, and Quinn smiled in triumph.

Flipping them over, Quinn took off her own shirt and yanked her sweatpants down to release her cock. It bobbed and slapped her lower stomach, resting against Rachel's soft inner thigh. "Fuck, I missed this." Quinn hastily pulled off Rachel's panties and flicked her clit in rapid circles. Rachel bucked and moaned, fists closing around the sheets.

"Now, Quinn." She husked. "Before Charlie comes home."

"She has tennis practice." Quinn hooked her arms under Rachel's knees and lifted her up, placing her thighs underneath Rachel's back to keep her propped, pussy spread nicely before Quinn. She parted the slick lips with her tongue, as she lapped eagerly. "God, you taste so good..." Quinn nosed Rachel's clit and reached down to tug at her hard nipples.

"Let me ride you." Rachel gritted out, her entrance clenching around Quinn's tongue. "Baby, please... I want to feel that thick cock inside me again, hitting me deep."

Quinn sank her teeth into Rachel's inner thighs. "You say the sweetest things." She teased, before rolling onto her back. Rachel slung her legs over her and cupped the base of Quinn's thick shaft.

"Did Quinnie miss me?" Rachel purred, her lips trailing along the warm shaft. She traced the veins the climbed up Quinn's cock with her tongue, making it jump. Quinn gasped and laughed, her fingers closing around the base of her cock.

"Stop giving my dick nicknames and suck it." She swiped the tip against Rachel's cock. Rachel smirked and dipped the tip of her tongue into the slit, before latching onto the tip. She sucked hard, her cheeks hollowing. Quinn groaned and caressed her cheek. "That's it... Your mouth is so amazing, holy shit." She thrust up, the head of her cock rubbing against the ridged roof of Rachel's mouth.

Faberry G!P Smut CompilationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora