princess in disguise 2/2

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For the reception, the crowd headed back to the bride's home in the suburbs, where a large tent was set up in his spacious backyard. Outside, the caterers finished setting up just as they arrived. Quinn opened the door for Rachel and led her through the gates where the music and the food were waiting for the newlyweds. They grabbed two seats far from prying eyes as wine glasses were laid out for the guests.

The entire time they were in the car, Rachel had been teasing Quinn nonstop. Thanks to her tight slacks, Quinn was uncomfortable the entire drive back to the bride's house. Swallowing hard, Quinn threw back a glass of wine and let out a soft breath.

"You need to stop." She said in a strangled tone, her fingers digging into Rachel's thighs as her hands roamed along Quinn's lap. Rachel traced the seam of Quinn's zipper and tugged on it slightly. She could feel the strong prominence forming, and she relished the way Quinn squirmed and attempted to yank her hands away.

"They're ready for people to line up for food." Quinn and Rachel's heads snapped at the sound of Ariel's voice. "I thought I'd tell you." Ariel brushed her fingers along the cuff of Quinn's wrist, sending a tickling sensation through Quinn's skin.

She clenched her fist and smiled at the woman. "Thank you." Turning to Rachel, she held out her arm. "Shall we?"

They rose and left Ariel standing still, with an offended look across her face. Rachel glanced back at her and giggled. "That's what she gets for trying to get with my man."

Quinn rolled her eyes and kissed her temple. "Come with me."

"Quinn, what—"

Ducking under a display of white tulips, Quinn pulled her into the enormous house. Only a trickle of people were inside, as most of the celebrations were out in the yard. They went into one of the washrooms in one of the rooms in the back so no one would disturb them. She turned right back around to face Rachel with a glint in her eye.

"What are you doing?" Rachel asked, a slight tremble in her voice. It was not that she was afraid, but rather, the look in Quinn's eyes always led to intense orgasms—ones that make her scream. Ever since she sucked Quinn off in the wedding hall, her panties had been soaked through. She clenched her thighs together and allowed Quinn to lift her up on the large counter. "I'm going to eat you out." Quinn said in a matter-of-fact tone that was lost on Rachel, for all she could focus on was the way Quinn loosened her tie. She removed her suit jacket, hung it up neatly, and rolled up her sleeves.

This ritual of sorts had Rachel trembling in anticipation. She gripped the edge of the sink and parted her legs. Quinn smirked at this and caressed Rachel's legs, before lifting them up over her shoulders. "Pull your dress up." Quinn husked, and licked her lips at the sight of Rachel's panties.

She pulled them to the side and kissed the full lips of Rachel's pussy. Quinn licked them open and traced the nub of Rachel's clit. Feeling it twitch against her tongue, Quinn grinned and latched onto it, and sucked while her tongue stuck out to dip inside Rachel's dripping entrance.

"O-oh!" Rachel gasped, her thighs tightening around Quinn's head. She reached out and ran her fingers through thick, blond locks while Quinn's tongue darted in and out of her pussy, the suction around her clit, constant. "Yes, Quinn... Oh my goodness, your tongue—"

Pulling back, Quinn snapped Rachel's hips so that she was now bent over the countertop. She stood up and lifted Rachel's dress, as her fingers hooked around her panties to slide it off her ass. "Fuck, so sexy..." Quinn growled at the sight of Rachel's bare ass and pussy laid out before her.

From the mirror, Rachel could see the way Quinn's eyes leered at her, hunger evident in hazel eyes. Rachel reached back and parted her ass. "Keep licking me." She begged softly, her arms trembling as she tried to keep her balance.

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