massage parlour

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It was a bright morning, and a weekend, when Rachel woke up in an empty bed and a sore body.

At first, she was disoriented, usually used to waking up tucked underneath Quinn's chin, her arms wrapped loosely around her waist, the rhythm of her girlfriend's breathing serving as the tempo with which Rachel would start her day. Except, Quinn was nowhere to be found. In the messy expanse of their bed and bedroom, there was no Quinn Fabray to be found. With a disgruntled sigh, Rachel put on her bedroom slippers and padded out of their bedroom.

Only to find Quinn sitting on top of their high stools, reading the morning paper. Her hand was curled around her favourite TARDIS mug as she sipped her third coffee of the day, probably. Rachel approached her with a yawn, arms stretched high over her head, thus exposing a sliver of her tanned belly.

"Good morning, baby." Quinn said, turning around in her seat to have Rachel slide in between her legs, arms wrapped around her hips. "You woke me up with your thrashing last night."

"I did?" Rachel reached for Quinn's mug and took a sip of the hot liquid that ignited her senses. "I'm so sorry, it's just... Rehearsals ran late, and we had to do the opening group number again and again because they keep messing it up, and—"

"Shh," Quinn kissed her forehead and rubbed the swell of her hips. "I wasn't complaining, I was just telling you what happened. That said, how are you holding up? Still sore from all the dancing?" Rachel nodded and downed the rest of Quinn's coffee. On regular days, she would've been annoyed, but right at the moment, she cared not for her daily dose of caffeine, but for Rachel. She can always make a new cup of coffee, but can never make a new Rachel. "How about a massage?"

Rachel looked up at her and arched her brow. "You want me to go to a massage parlour? Have a stranger's hands roaming all over my body—"

"Fuck no." Quinn growled, nudging her forehead against Rachel. "I meant my hands. I'll give you a massage, and you don't even have to pay me a cent."


"Where do you want me?" Rachel asked. She was wearing nothing but her bathrobe, while Quinn set up a small table they use for parties. Quinn covered the surface with a few towels and placed a pillow on one end.

"Take off the robe and lay down on your back." Quinn said as she rubbed her hands with alcohol. "I got a few massage oils. Presents from Brittany. I have mint-scented, lavender, chamomile... Which one do you want?"

"You pick." Rachel murmured, easing herself onto the low table. She really was sore, could feel the sharp stabs of pain digging into her lower back. She squirmed a bit and rested her head on top of the pillow with a soft sigh.

"Mint it is, then." Quinn uncapped the bottle and dribbled a few drops onto her palm. She let it run down her fingertips and all over Rachel's naked body. Shivering at the cool liquid that dripped down her stomach and breasts, Rachel closed her eyes and anticipated Quinn's first touch.

Quinn flattened her palms over the slope of Rachel's ribcage and pressed her thumbs against the muscle there, feeling it tense. She spread more of the massage oil along Rachel's body, her stomach, her thighs, and her legs, before getting to work. Quinn focused on Rachel's hips first. She pressed some of her weight into the stiff muscles, smiling slightly at the sound of Rachel's muffled groan.

She locked eyes with Rachel and smiled. "Is that okay?" Quinn asked softly, thumbs rubbing circles over Rachel's Apollo's belt. She heard a small gasp, as her oil-slick fingers grazed Rachel's plump pussy lips, but did not touch her further. Quinn massaged Rachel's sides, down to her thighs in fluid motions, the oil warming up to the friction of Quinn's palm and Rachel's skin.

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