Chapter 1

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Bleep bleep bleep. Ugh stupid alarm. I drag myself out of bed. Monday mornings are the worst. The thing is, I just never went to get up anymore. There's my sister who doesn't give a crap about me and then there's my own dad and stepmom who never talk to me. I feel so alone. I have no friends at school and no one ever talks to me unless it's for homework help. I have a pathetic life. The only good thing going for me is my grades. But who really cares about that? Oh that's right no one. My favorite subject is language arts. I love learning about all the fantasies that I wish could come true. Good always wins over evil. Does evil ever win? That I don't know. I just got assigned an essay to write about my favorite fairytale story. I'm having trouble deciding but I think that I should do Peter Pan. Disney portrays Peter Pan as some magical, happy and holy being. I don't know he just makes me happy I guess. Even if the stories aren't true. I arrive at school and go to my locker like normal. Except this day didn't go like normal. I open my locker and all of a sudden my body flips around and I am slammed against my very own locker. What the what is even going on?! "Hey babe, I love you so much." Excuse me who the heck does he think he is?! I don't even know who this! He starts to press his body into mine and he starts to slowly grind his hips into me. "Get the frick off of me you jerk." You fake affection and slap him in the face hard. He goes down and when he looks back at you, there is now pure hate replaced in his eyes. He charges you and thrusts you to the ground. You are pinned under him and now he is saying hurtful things that make you want to crumple up and shrivel away. "You are worthless. You are such a piece of trash. Nobody likes you and there is no way in heck that anybody would ever go for a pathetic and weak girl like you. I don't even know why I tried. You are disgusting. Get out of here. You're ugly and you don't deserve to live." That's it. That's when it starts. He gets up, kicks you and walks away leaving you with tears streaming down your face. You try to clear up your vision, but you're overclouded with your tears. Looking around you notice that there are people looking at you. Some are smirking, others are whispering while stifling giggles and the rest are just pointing and laughing. You quickly get up, and run to the nearest bathroom. You rush into the stall and your knees sink to the ground. You curl up in a ball and watch your tears along with your mascara streaming down your face. Your phone then buzzes. It's from a random number. Go die in a hole. You don't deserve to live. Everybody knows that now. We all hate you please leave we beg you. This day couldn't get any worse. You decide to skip all your classes including lunch and just sit in the stall and cry the rest of your heart out. Maybe the people are right. Maybe you should just leave so you wouldn't be a problem for anyone anymore. The final bell rings so you sigh pick up your things, and head on home.

When you walk in, your sister doesn't even acknowledge your presence but you know that she knows you're home. Your parents aren't home as usual. Let's see here. Your dad is probably out playing around as usual and your stepmom is out "working" at a bar. You can't accept the fact that you miss your mom so much. She was the only one that ever loved you and she will be the only one that ever will. She always told me to stay strong because God put you on this Earth for a reason. That's the only reason why I'm not dead.

It's just one of those days. You don't feel like anybody cares and no one bothers to talk to you. You're just alone. You don't remember your worth. Just when you feel like losing all hope, a glimmer of light shines into your head. You go back to all the fairy tales you have been told and just wonder could they ever come true? Your favorite one is Peter Pan. While you reminisce about the whole fantasy, you decide to test if it is real. You chant and whisper I BELIEVE when all the stars are out at night. Lights flicker on outside of your room. You hope its just your sister because she doesn't care about your well being. You step away from the window to quickly crawl back into bed just in case. With a flick, the lights are back off and you are left alone in a dark room. You decide to try one more time so you put in all your faith and belief and say "I believe." Nothing happens so you figure this is your life. Disappointing and all alone. Just at that moment your window is forced open and there before you is a shadow. Not just any shadow, but Peter Pan's. He heard your chants and came rushing to get you. You could finally have a better life and live in Neverland. Except you're not sure that's what you actually want. You tell yourself this is pointless anyways and you know you will never belong anywhere. That's when you hear it. The music. The music of the pipe. Gently playing with the breeze. Right away you are drawn to its lonely and sad beauty. You decide right then and there that this would be your only chance at having a better life. The shadow reaches his hand out to you, wishing you to go with him. That's when you do it. You take his hand and you fly away to Neverland.

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