Chapter 4

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Nearly three weeks had passed with Rendall and Celer tending to the new guardian of the woods. They were still confused about what happened, yet as the days passed they noticed an influx of wildlife including white foxes and black bears, which at first was intimidating, the giant creatures though completely harmless often just roaming the new woodlands taking all the new aromas and sites. Trees and plants that seemed to be dying, or at the very least barely surviving now thrived with blooms of red, blue and orange for hundreds of meters in every direction. It seemed to have become a haven for the beings of the forest, and none seemed to be bothered by Rendall or Celer. What seemed most strange to Rendall is the burnt shell of his home had become a makeshift wall for the tree, the blackened wood surrounding the trunk and the old doorway was now the only entrance in. The magical tree seemed to restore life into an area that was withering away over the years; it was a spectacle of life.

Instinctually both knew what to do. They spent weeks lengthening a small stream that cut through the forest half a kilometre to the south of the clearing. The river seemed unnatural in its environment, with rough banks either side made from the pair's paws and hands. While it was not fast-moving with a depth of two feet it was easily able to supply water to the wildlife and creatures of the area.

After the endless digging Celer's white paws were stained brown with mud, even after constant time spent in water each day she could never get it off alone. To her great delight, Rendall would sit down with her and clean it off. It was like heaven every evening as not only was she being cleaned but he massaged her paws making her often fall into a trace that she would only wake from when he stopped. She would always grumble before rolling over and falling asleep within seconds. Yet she was sure that each time he turned, he would laugh to himself at her behaviour.

As the wolf fell asleep Rendall couldn't shake the thoughts of the bandits that he had encountered, the same vile men robbing, stealing and possibly intending to murder. He still didn't know how to feel about the man he killed, his face stuck in his mind. His eyes bore an intense gaze of shock as the blood flowed from his mouth mixing with dirt and dust on the ground which caused the man to fall into a coughing fit in his final moments. Rendall realised the man had recognised him, the years spent in the forest hadn't seemed to have done much to his figure he thought. Nevertheless, it was not Rendall's figure, hair or clothing that gave him away. He had changed considerably, the years spent in the woods would do that to anyone. No, what made Rendall someone that would be remembered was his unique silver eyes, eyes that no one else in the kingdom had.

The boy thought it was strange that he felt no regret from killing the outlaw but at the same time didn't enjoy it or get any peace from knowing the scum would not walk the earth again. Rendall sat staring at a rock in front of him no bigger than his palm while he contemplated whether he was any better than him, or whether this is how the man felt when he killed someone. He had spent many evenings lying in the cave on the mountain thinking how he would hunt and kill those responsible. Sometimes it was the only thing that kept him going, the thought that he would one day get justice at his own hand.

A spring of worry appeared in the boy's mind, the worry that Celer was now in grave danger. Never had anyone of his kind see her before and most thought that wolves were little more than legend now. Guilt was rising inside him as he remembered that the man and woman who survived knew of her and even worse, he had let one of the men run into the woods.

Putting his head in his hands, Rendall rubbed at his eyes in an attempt to force the images and worry from his mind. He hadn't of bothered, remembering what Celer had done to the other bandit, the brutal and relentless slaughter of one of the thug's friends who stood no chance despite best efforts. Besides, he thought, no one would actually believe them should they go running through the streets shouting about what they saw.

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