Chapter 7

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Rendall awoke in a bed that seemed old, the wood was worn with cracks that made it seem like it would break in two at any time. Lying in a straw mattress, he let a small blanket's warmth comfort him. Rendall laid there not wanting to move for a moment yet as he thought about getting up his head hurt.

"Why does it hurt so much?" Rendall whispered to himself, not wanting to talk any louder out of the fear that his head would rip in two.

Memories of the evening came back to him, he remembered drinking a couple of more ales after dinner. Even though it was watered down, it still had an effect on him. Then though the older man came to the table with an old bottle of black liquid, it was thick as he poured it looking more like a syrup than a drink, but the three of them drank the small shots in front of them. Having not drank any alcohol before that night, it certainly didn't take him long to pass out at the table which happened after his third shot.

Eyes bleary, Rendall looked around the room, with a stall next to his bed, a small fire lit with a chair next to it where he found Lynden sleeping, the bottle of black liquid in his lap. Like him he didn't manage to get out of his clothes though unlike Rendall, Lynden seemed to be halfway through a drink when he fell asleep as he had a small glass in his hand still half full, he was quite surprised really that the man hadn't dropped it as he slept.

Mouth dry and still burning slightly from the poison he drank, he found a jug of water and an empty cup next to his bed. He poured the water down his throat directly from the jug. He managed to drink most of the water although not all as some of it ended up over his face and clothes which he found refreshing more than anything. He was still in need of another drink and was hungry. Rendall got himself out of bed and walked himself back down to the bar. His step was unsteady having to concentrate extremely hard to walk in a straight line and not trip over.

He made it to a table downstairs with a few more jugs of water on the table. He poured himself two cups and finished them off quickly.

"Can't handle your liquor?" The waitress said to him softly.

Rendall grinned slightly as he replied, "It's like my head is being crushed. Whatever we drunk last night I'm sure it could kill."

"No doubt about it, it can. Some have thought they could drink a bottle in one, needless to stay they didn't get up again."

Rendall's grin turned into shock and wide eyes as he looked back at her.

"Haha, your face! It hasn't, I just wanted to see what you would have said. Now can I get you some bread and jam? I'll put some extra sugar on the table too. The extra boost might wake you up."

He looked at the lady, then said "Thank you, err."

"Jessica." She finished for him.

"Thank you Jessica."

She returned five minutes later with a bowl of cut brown and white crusty bread slices with one pot of jam and a small jar of sugar. As she placed it on the table Lynden came down, not looking in a much better state then Rendall did. Walking over to the table, he sat down at the table with the boy.

"Jessica, could I trouble you for some bacon. Rendall, would you like some too?"

"No, I'm fine thank you." He said just as he was sprinkling sugar on top of the strawberry jam-soaked bread.

As Jessica went to fetch Lynden's order, he poured himself a glass of water, drinking it in the gulps with droplets flowing down his face after drinking it too fast.

"Bread over bacon?"

"When you've not eaten bread for the amount of time I have, but had bacon or some other meat nearly every day ripped apart in front of you, bread is more valuable than gold."

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