Chapter 19

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Days had passed since Suzy had Rolf had pulled it off. Myval had returned the morning after and both of them made themselves busy with any chore that took them as far away as possible, a task that was harder than they originally thought as Suzy was the head maid and Rolf was the personal servant to the King himself.

However, even after encountering him on numerous occasions, nothing had happened. Thinking it strange that he hadn't noticed, they both thought it best not to mention anything and go about their days as if nothing had happened.

It wasn't until Suzy came back after the fifth evening where she found their door slightly open, something that never happened before as both were extremely cautious given their personal feelings towards Myval and his reign.

While Rolf was not due back for some time she pushed the door open slowly, looking around the room to make sure no one was there.

Letting out a sigh of relief after finding it empty, and nothing seemed to be broken or taken.

Relaxing, the tired Suzy Kicked off her shoes and pulled up a chair next to the fireplace. It had been a long day, her feet ached and although she was dying to get out of her maid's clothes, there was nothing more satisfying than taking off your shoes after running around all day.

Wanting to make things more comfortable, she went to pull over the small table next to where Rolf sat only to realise the papers they had taken from the King's quarters had gone. She recalled this morning when they awoke, they were still there as they were not sure if they should burn them or show them to Lynden. They did read the prisoner report but neither knew any more names other than that of Arthur and Rendall. In the end, they left the papers on the stall.

Looking around frantically thinking they might have been placed somewhere else, although the shelves and table were empty apart from the food and a few books spread around the place. They had few possessions so it was not hard to see the papers.

She ran to the table, quickly grabbing a kitchen knife. Her heart was racing, she hadn't checked the bedroom. Seeing through a crack in the door their bed had been overturned, one of the legs had been broken off and the hay mattress had been split, covering part of the room in the dry grass. Their clothes and possessions had been thrown around the room or torn.

There was a note left delicately on the floor. Suzy bent down to unfold it. Reading it aloud, she said, "I hope you come to the show, Rolf is going to be the star."

Suzy dropped the note, her legs giving out falling into a heap. Knowing exactly what the message meant, Myval had found out they had stolen from him, and now her husband would be hung for treason. She could not stop the tears leaving her eyes, they had lost.

A few minutes later, steel boots could be heard from the hallway. It was not the footsteps of any servant but soldiers, and a lot of them.

Grabbing the note and stuffing it in her dress, she pushed herself up from the ground using all her resolve.

Moving quickly to the front door she stepped out normally as she hoped they might not have been after her. She was wrong. Stepping out the door she looked at the six soldiers walking in pairs down the corridor, lead by a captain distinguished by the red gauntlets he wore.

The guard captain shouted her at, "Suzy Payne, stop. You are under arrest for conspiracy and treason."

She didn't even reply, immediately running in the opposite direction. Making her way towards the small corner tower for servants to navigate the keep unnoticed. She opened the small door running as best she could down the steep, narrow steps nearly losing her footing sometimes.

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