Chapter 16

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Celer arrived at the woodland that was her and Rendall's new home. Nothing had changed so far as she could tell, the growth of the woodland had now calmed and all she could hear was the stream running, birds chirping, small wildlife scurrying and the slight breeze of the wind hitting leaves. Peaceful yet no sign of Rendall, she could not even get his scent off the wind but another smell. Dry sweat mixed with hay. Two newcomers to the woodland. She got low and went into the longer grassland around the trees that were left untouched. Her new companions followed but let her take the lead, only reacting on her command.

Lynden rode into the woods atop his warhorse, should things go wrong he was easily able to ride away. A split second later the stallion ducked its head while letting out a deep breath, the warm air mixing with the cold creating a thin layer of sweat in front of the horse's face making his unease even clearer

Still in the animal's saddle, Lynden looked around to see glimpses of several black figures running in and out of the trees, bushes and grass, too quickly for him to spot any features. Turning back to look straight ahead he saw a large white wolf standing six feet tall, its ears pointed, its razor-sharp teeth on display.

Realising there was no escape, he dismounted the warhorse and held his breath for the moments to come. He stood trying not to show fear but no doubt they could smell the sweat from his forehead. Lynden made himself very aware to not put his hands on his swords.

Celer looked at him, donning armour and a large sword on his back with another on his waist. This was the new smell, his long brown hair had started to clump together from the days since he last washed. He had grown out a beard covering most of his face, though he was still able to see the black lines under his eyes from the many restless night's sleep.

Not threatened by the man, however, she turned to the warhorse. Ite stood just taller than her and certainly looked like it could hurt her. Behind its armoured head, the beast let out heavy breaths and would stomp its front hoofs, letting dust surround the ground.

Seeing the unease Lynden slowly unwrapped his buckle holding the weapon on his back, letting it fall to the ground. Taking a few steps back to his noble companion, placing his rough yet calming hand on the animal's neck slowly stroking him.

Whispering into the horse's ear, he said, "Easy my friend, they are friendly."

It took the horse several more moments before it ceased the feet stomping and after half a minute, the dust cloud that had started to rise began to fade.

Celer was intrigued, it was clear the man wanted something. However, she was confused at the slight scent of Rendall could be picked up from this new person, though her friend wasn't with them.

The man led the way, his horse remaining behind, she followed although her companions stayed with the horse though now out of sight to prevent any further discomfort. They walked to an area of the river she would often find Rendall, but in its place was some dried meat and fish.

Keeping his distance, Lynden walked a few paces past the rock to watch the wolf sniff at the meat that was left here the last time they looked for her. He saw her take a piece of the fish, eating it in one leaving the rest, assuming it would be for the others.

He thought for a moment while she was looking around the area, focusing his eyes on the small black wolves that scattered the area. Rendall never said anything about the others. Had something happened in the time they had not been together, he wondered.

Celer smelt around the area near the river, tracking had always been instinctual for her. Never really bothered killing her prey only at times they needed the food, it was more the chase that she enjoyed. She saw a few prints littering the area. One a large man, this man she guessed, and the others Rendall's. The signs of bare feet delicately placed between the plants and holes in the ground were the only signs that she needed to see it was him. She saw there were no signs of any struggle and they had even appeared to have left together, with the prints leaving in the same direction.

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