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As you two walked in, Sofia and Addi grabbed your arm and pulled you into the storage room.

"Ack! What the he-"

"OmgomgomgomgwesawwhathappenedbetweenyouandUshijima," they fangirled.

"Wha-?. Oh shit," you mumbled. "I-its not what you think! I swear!" They gave you a disbelieving look. "Fine it is what you think. But I swear it was just a spur of the moment thing! I don't even think I like him!"

"Well then we'll fix that," Addi said with an evil grin. She gave Sofia a look and she looked back with a confused face. Before you could object, Addi swung a hella heavy bag of flour at your right ankle. Your hand went to your mouth to cover the small whimper that escaped it.

"What the fuck, Addi?!" you whisper shouted between gritted teeth. She shrugged and pulled Sofia out of the storage room. You shot the two a pleading look and Sofia looked back at you with confused sympathy. Your nose scrunched at the sign of her pity, but it appeared she didn't know anything about this stupid plan so you couldn't be mad at her.

You attempted to move the bag of flour off your foot with a high pitched grunt. A small 'plop' was heard when the bag moved off. You let out a sigh of relief and slumped against the wall, looking around or something cold to ice your foot. You found a bag of peas and some paper towels. You made a cup with your hand around your ankle, poured peas into your hand, and wrapped the paper towel around the bunch of iced peas to keep them in place. Finally, to cover it all up, you pulled your long sock over the wrap of veggies and attempted to smooth it out so it looked like nothing abnormal was under your sock.

As you walked out of the storage room, everyone looked at you.

"What took so long, Kiddo? We have customers," you dad said, holding a crate of canned goods. You rolled your eyes and grabbed a bottle of yogurt from the cooler. As you walked over to the register, attempting to hide your slight limp, you shoved 2 dollars into the small box and walked outside. Tanaka was waiting for you.

"Hey Y/n! What took so long? You know this is like our ritual now," he said with a small smile.

"Addi tossed a bag of flour at my ankle at I had to make it look like nothing happened. Take the yogurt ya' ass," you deadpanned.

"Woah why? She doesn't give off the yandere vibe to me," he said while peeling the top off of the yogurt bottle. You shrugged, knowing very well you couldn't tell him because he'd tell either Dad or Ushijima and you couldn't have them know.

"Imma clock off early tonight and head home, see you Tanaka," you said with a slight wave as you opened the door. He smiled back and waved.

As you walked back to your house, you looked up at the peaceful sky. 'I wish I was a star that way i could always watch the crazy shit that happens to me instead of living it.' While you were walking you felt someone come up behind you and hold your hand. Out of instinct you crouched a little bit and yanked your hand away, spinning around.

"Jesus Christ (asahi that u bruh?) Ushi you scared the shit out of me," you breathed crouched over clutching your stomach.

"Sorry. I wasn't trying to startle you. Plus there was someone in the ally way looking at you." You finally took the time to analyze your surroundings and realized you weren't in the best of neighborhoods. Sure enough, there was a pair of faint eyes scowling at you from 2 ally ways behind. 

"Damn okay thanks," you said. Ushijima nodded and sped up to your pace. "Are you walking me home or are you going this way."

"You pick," he said with a light smile at the corner of his mouth. You rolled your eyes with a smile.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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