1: Meet the Crew

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I was having something like a pretty okay life before everything. I was a happy - extremely shy, but still happy- dork with my Disney movies and being a hopeless romantic. Gushing over romantic novels, living the fantasies inside my head more than I'd want to- most of the time on the border of trying to communicate with people and not seem insane. I had not-so-perfect parents, both working. My mum as a doctor and dad, a lawyer. Both were well-respected and seemed very professional, no-nonsense-state-your-business kind of people- wait, that's just my mum. But behind the walls of our house, they were just two regular parents- a jokey dad and a responsible mother to keep us in line in case we ever crossed it.
They never became mad at me crossing curfews as long as it was just an hour and I was with one of my best friends and kept them updated on what I was up to. 
And me? I was "stubborn as a mule being taken to the dentist". Their words, not mine. I was pretty satisfied with how things were going on. 

Note the "were".

Because it was graduation day- and I had been invited to two or three parties. Rejected. I'd never gone to a high school party and had rejected all the invites I had got all the years. To me, the ideal party was popcorn and watching movies and Tom and Jerry at the same time.

I, being me, had rejected all invites with my Rejection Excuses being-
One: nothing to wear
Two: I own little to no makeup
Three: I have no date. Well, that was partly because I never asked anyone to be my plus one. I can't talk to boys, not because I have an allergy or anything, just me being extremely shy around guys in general. I was only comfortable around the girls.
And four: WHAT is "fun" in mixing up your consciousness and doing stuff you won't even remember the next day and getting a killer headache later when you're making sense?

I should know. I have been a babysitter to certain drunk 17-18-year-olds from the day they began smuggling alcohol (from the age of fifteen) and passed it around in the abandoned classroom at the end of a corridor and also got drunk. 

Basically, I'm their back-up shoulder to fall into.

Sigh. I'm too obvious, I admit it, I never got drunk- I've never drunk alcohol. I don't want to damage my liver or spill out all my thoughts and secrets for them all to hear. It's already bad enough the girls have to speak up for me because I'm too shy.
Pathetic, I know. Guess I'm going to be a grandmother with 23 cats.

Speaking of which, you should know my best friends before we go any further, each of us are nothing without the others, and the same goes for me.

Miranda Nielson AKA "Pink Party Queen". What kind of name is that, I don't know. I do know the story behind it, though. She got very drunk, got into some kind of dance fight with a Pink Panther headdress on. When her turn came, she had yelled, " The Pink Party Panther in the halls! Bow, peasants!" and had blown off everyone's drunk minds with her Drunk Dancing (me, I was wondering how she hadn't broken her legs or anything). And that was how a house of drunk teenagers crowned her "The Pink Party Queen". And boom, now she never leaves the house without something pink. Gloss, lipstick, bag- something pink. Ready whenever the call comes, she says.

Janet Petronski. Former nerd. Got hit by puberty and a cousin who revolutionized her entire wardrobe, so even if she had wanted to wear baggy clothes (which are like wearing fluffy pillows), she can't. She had become popular to the extreme level, got tons of invites to sit at other tables, to parties, and whatnot.  But J, being a good friend, had stuck with us. 

Becca Dove: the artistic lass in charge of every poster, banner art-related stuff. President of the Art Club, weirdly she's the one who does all the work.  She has an assistant, but I have no idea what she does. Becca's the one doing all the work. Anyone could recognize her from miles away, thanks to the denim overalls and the rest of her clothes covered in paint. The only time you catch her not looking like a deflated disco ball is in the morning before classes begin. Paint splashed all over her overalls, paintbrushes, markers, and color pens sticking out of all her pockets. Her coat? People, you have no idea. It's one of those which have many inner pockets. You never know what's in there.

Then comes our really pom-pom cliche cheerleader Queen Bee:  Candace Pawn. And she had been the very queen of the whole school. She used to run it with the twirl of her finger. But underneath all that makeup and glamourous jackets, she's a good kid. She also is secretly a Greek Geek. No wonder I give her all of my Mythology papers. 

Moving on to our cyberkiller: Jill Hill. She's a true charmer of her own. Literally. She can charm her way out of any situation we're stuck in.  Jill is also a walking, talking Siri in the flesh. She and her other half, Jane, types so fast she doesn't even look at the letters on the keyboard! So much for me, I can't get a word out without looking down. She's human, (I think) but she stays around with computers so much, it's easy to figure out she's a hacker. But you will never guess that looking at her. She's an inner geek through and through.

Now to the other animal lover- the other half of the cyberkiller: Jane Hill. Twin sister of Jill Hill, they look alike, like alike. But they both are SUPER different in their own ways.  Jane is animal-crazy. And she' the walking, talking version of Animal Planet in the flesh. Which isn't always good. Jane is pretty with her red hair, she might scare people away with her insane knowledge about animals and her way around with a wrench.
Jane Hill can do anything with a wrench.

Jane cyber-kills, Jane mechanics away.

What a scary pair.

Everyone says that  Jane watched too much Animal Planet from her diaper-evolution, but only I know the real truth. And listen close, people.

The first chapter out! To my non-existent readers, please do vote ghosts.
P.S. What is everyone doing, stuck at home?

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