2: The DCF's Origin Story and a Raid on my Room

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I am about to tell you what really happened on the night Jill and Jane Hill were born. Very few know the real truth though.

On a peaceful night, when the Hills were returning home with their newly born twins, Mr. Hill suddenly stopped the car because he thought he saw smoke coming from the hood of the car. They were in the woods. Mrs Hill joined her husband outside with the twins inside the car to check out the damage. Then it all began. Two bears suddenly came out of the woods and karate-chopped Mr and Mrs Hill away into unconsciousness.. One bear took away one of the newborn (that being Jane) to their cave and injected some kind of animal serum into her. Meanwhile, we all know the night is when the toys come alive. A couple of Barbie dolls and mechanical "tin-man" robots grew up in size, broke out of a kid's house, and kidnapped the other newborn (that was Jill). In the early morning, when it was still dark, something like 2 AM, both bears and Barbies brought the babies back, put 'em in the car and carried the Hills into their seats. Then the "B" party hid in the bushes, snapped their fingers, and everything sprung back to life again- the Hills, the babies. The Barbies and Bears shook each other's hands... and paws and went on their ways. The End.

This is what had really had happened. But Jane and Jill always say that it isn't, and they were born "like every other twins in the world". Pfft. Like I believe that.

Coming back, it was graduation day blah blah blah, we got our certificates (for surviving high school). And I was resting in my room, when people burst into my room.

But this time- a surprise on a whole another level.
Usually two of them barge into my room and drag me off to somewhere.
"Come on, Drea!" Miranda burst into my room and burst into song. "You'd better chin up, honey, we've got work to do~!"

I raised my brow at the others behind her- it seemed everyone's present.

"She's finally lost it, the poor girl." I muttered to myself. Crazy people are dangerous. Janet shook her head sadly. She pointed to Randa, and mouthed, musicals. Oh, great. Randa's current temporary obsession is musicals.

"Don't look at me," Jane intentionally says, "She's finally gone doo-doo!" Jill smirked.

Randy glared at her before she continued.
In song.

"Where's your dress? I don't see it anywhere~ It's not in your closet," she rummaged though my closet- my heart broke watching her disorganize the very closet I painstakingly organized yesterday (under Mum's threat)-,"~not on any chair~" she made a great show of looking around. Randy, not Mum.

"You know what? I believe you~" I half-tell, half sing a response to Jill. I began talking, but then Randy glared at me, I gulped, half-afraid for my life and switched to song. Smart move, Drea.

If we don't sing with Randy, she gives us the death glare-down. So, people, in case you try to lock the girls in an asylum, remember, I have nothing to do with this.

"I win! Drea doesn't have her dress, so pay up, Pawn!" Janet fistbumped the air , while the ever-darling Candace's face fell.

Man, I have weird friends.

"Get up, weirdo, you have to try on 7 different dresses-, 'cause we all know you don't have have any dresses~, 'cause we all know you~"

I want to curl up in my closet and bury my head under a thousand pillows to block out Becca's terrible singing.

Gosh, I'm going to have nightmares for days.

But, I guess I'm glad to have such nice friends who bought dresses for me, knowing I haven't got a dress. I love them. But doesn't that mean I don't have a dress!?!

"I do have a dress!"

Silence fell. All eyes turned to me.

"Then what the heck are you waiting for? A personal invitation!?! Take it out and show us!" Jane bellowed.

"Get ready to pay me back, Petronski!"

I pushed Randy out of my way to the closet and started looking. I must have a dress somewhere! There was no way I did not have a dress all these years.
No way Becca's right.
I'm bound to notice if I didn't have a dress all these years!

After minutes of moving clothes around, I found one in a box in the corner. I took it out.
A pink tutu. I think it's the one from the one-time I went for ballet classes when I was 12, did a pirouette, broke vases and somehow, got my shoe in the ex-school belle. Needless to say, I never went back there again. Better than nothing.

I raised it triumphantly. "Told you she/I had a dress." I and Candace smirked at the crowd together. "Jinx!" Fistbumping each other, we laughed at the other's faces. They looked like the cat Tom when he saw the dog Spike from Tom and Jerry.

"That..." Becca started. She didn't have to complete the sentence. Everyone else did it for her.
"-is so so so so so so so so so mu-"
"-say one more, make it ten 'so's-"
"-okay, so much of a disappointment."
"Does our over a decade and half of a friendship not mean anything to you, Drea?"
"I'm gonna bleach my eyes"
"Becca, go bleach your eyes."
"Bleach is in the laundry room, I think."
"Mrs Sawyer!"
"Camille! Where's the bleach?"
"Mum's out working."
"Camille! Your daughter's a disappointment!"
"Did you not hear me say Mum's out?"
"Pay me back, Petronski!"
"Never, you lost fair and square, Pawn!"
"Come here you little punk!"
"How is she gonna fit in that?"

The whole group of us six (who were either trying to strangle me, whack some sense into me with pillows and textbooks or shielding their eyes) just froze and stared at Becca. Textbooks are evil, humans. And so is Becca when she has a point, and when it's a valid point.

Sigh. Responsible and Logical people are always buzzkills.

Just when I thought they were going to leave me alone because I had no dress. Randy and Becca began tearing up my eardrums again. If this goes on, I might actually go deaf.

"So get up, get up, we only have a few hours!" Randy's turned all country music.
"Get up, get up we'll save you with our fashion powers~!"Oh roads, key change! High pitched! Soprano! BECCA!

I did what I normally did.

I had to cut this halfway cuz it was already 1052 words. Anyways, vote, comment, and follow me to stay updated!

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