4: Abduction To Hunt Dresses

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I was locked.

The girls were on the other side of the door; they have pushed me into a fitting room of a store in the mall. They (very rudely!) managed to drag me to the car. I remained a stubborn prat in the car too- I tried to escape, but they put me in the very back with Janet. Candace was driving, as she didn't trust anyone with her car. (Such a trusting friend.)I had refused to talk to them, in the hopes that they'd finally get annoyed with me and leave me at home.

But all my efforts were to no avail. From what I picked up from bits of their conversations, I managed to gather three things- one, they were going dress shopping, two, each one of them had picked out a different dress for me because there were too many to choose from, and three, I had no hope of coming out of this alive.

Well, isn't that exciting?

Note the sarcasm oozing out of my words.

It took the combined efforts of Randy and Jane to pry me out of that car. I was the most sensible one out of the group 'cause I know how horrendous dress-shopping is first-hand. I always fall onto my bed, exhausted, at the end of any dress-hunting. Nothing ever sucks my energy like that. Whenever the girls went out "dress-hunting", it usually ended up with them carrying a few bags and Eli, Noah, and me holding so many bags, our arms should have come off. And at the end of the day, the girls would go to parties hosted by some person, get themselves drunk, while the three of us get comfortable on the Hills' couch, watch movies, and munch on five bags of popcorn. When the party goes closer to it's closing time, Eli'd be the one responsible for picking them up. Noah'd be the one clearing up our messes, and I'd be the one best friend who'd hold up their hair while they puke, and set them all in bed.

But today, Noah and Eli were nowhere to be seen.

Now, you get why I was panicking? It's also pretty obvious by now, why they had to pry me out of that car.

Candace pretty much looked like she would faint any moment soon. She assisted Randy and Jane in pulling me out of the car. The way she ran towards me, I thought she cared about me the most. She's such a great best friend. I was about to non-officially declare her as my favorite best friend when she ran past me.

Yes, she ran past me.

I turned to see her frantically checking the car. She was checking if the car was alright.

Some best friend she is. A jerk one!

Then they dragged me to a store, threw me into the fitting room, and locked me here. They've even started passing me dresses over the fitting room, through space through which I could escape, but then I'd have to be eight feet tall. Worst part?

They left Becca guarding the door. She's been told to sing if I tried to break the door open or escape.

So here I am, with a lot of time to kill.

You know what, I'm sorry this one was short. I'll make it up somehow... maybe.
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